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SDC pitches solar farm to Rakiura/Stewart Islanders
SDC pitches solar farm to Rakiura/Stewart Islanders

16 January 2025, 11:13 PM

A proposal to establish a solar farm and reduce Rakiura/Stewart Island's reliance on diesel generated electricity by up to 75%, was presented to a meeting on the island yesterday (16 Jan) by the Southland District Council (SDC).The proposal is part of a SDC plan that would see electricity on the island eventually generated by renewable energy, giving residents reliable and relatively affordable electricity as well as enhancing tourism and aquaculture for the island.Eighty islanders turned up to hear Mayor Rob Scott, Councillor Jon Spraggon and Community board chair Aaron Conner outline the proposal, supported by technical experts from management and design engineering company PTM.PTM were commissioned after the council securing $300,000 in government funding from the government.A draft document with various options was given to the SDC steering group just before Christmas in December 2024.Mayor Scott said it had been a good meeting with people asking excellent questions and showing a high level of engagement and support for the planned approach.“It has been the steering group’s priority to get something done about the cost of electricity on the island for the past 18 months, as the impact on islanders is high, and this has been a talking point for several years.”The preferred option (Option 4), stage one of a plan to make Stewart Island more energy self-sufficient, would see the installation of a 2MW solar farm and a 4MWh battery.“We have agreed that a staged approach will be the best way to achieve immediate benefits and to go with the recommended option, which will not only reduce reliance on diesel to a large extent but also be a more future proof solution.“The first stage is to create a solar energy farm with batteries on appropriate land. This will supplement the diesel generators, not replace them, and so improvements are planned for the whole network and to ensure the generators are operating in the most efficient way,” Scott said.However implementation of the stage will require further government assistance as it was impossible for 400 residents to cover the capital costs.“Council will be submitting a proposal to the Regional Infrastructure Fund for the funding of this project very soon as," Scott said."This is a one-off investment that will give new life to the island and secure a strong future for the islanders."A second stage would involve implementing another source of renewable energy, possibly wind.Council wants to keep the momentum going and there will be further investigation of the source while implementation of stage one is underway.Scott said the council was excited about the plan and the agreed option and we are looking forward to working with the government to support the community on something the islanders have wanted for a long time.

Bad parking habits ease on Stewart Island – CRRN
Bad parking habits ease on Stewart Island – CRRN

16 January 2025, 9:34 PM

Parking problems on Stewart Island/Rakiura have improved despite new rules not yet being enforced.In December, Southland District Council implemented parking restrictions on the island in hopes it would fix ongoing issues with people parking for extended periods in the township, sometimes for up to months at a time.Stewart Island/Rakiura councillor Jon Spraggon said locals had improved their habits despite signage not yet being in place — a detail which meant the new rules were not actually enforceable.“When you go down to the township, you can actually find a good parking space somewhere close to where you want to go,” Spraggon said.While there were still issues with holiday makers and some contractors, people were starting to consider where they pulled up, he said.“They’re parking elsewhere, not leaving their car parked for two or three days right outside the airline office.”At its December meeting, the council approved changes to existing restrictions while adding new ones, including time restrictions for popular parking areas.The organisation did not enforce parking throughout the district, but Police indicated they would undertake that work on the island.Spraggon did not know when the new signage would be installed but believed it could be in place by the end of the month.He has previously said there are too many vehicles on the island for the number of people living there.In addition to parking changes, a temporary one-way trial on Dundee St was also approved in an effort to improve road safety.The changes were consulted on between October and November, with 49 people giving feedback.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air

Toxic Algae warning for Whitestone River
Toxic Algae warning for Whitestone River

16 January 2025, 7:01 AM

Environment Southland’s monitoring observations have found toxic algae at the Whitestone River downstream of Manapouri-Hillside Road.Algae naturally occur in waterways and can flourish during fine conditions and stable river flows. Most algae are harmless. However, some species can produce toxins and rapidly bloom to high levels.What you need to know:Toxic algae are commonly identified in waterways as dark green/brown slime on rocks or dark brown/black mats at the water’s edge.Water users should be vigilant and avoid contact with the algae.Environment Southland can’t monitor everywhere. Similar algae growth may be occurring in other waterways in the area and other rivers in the region.Toxic algae can pose significant health risks to people and animals if swallowed or through contact with the skin.Keep dogs on the lead and children away from affected areas.See a doctor immediately if you experience health symptoms after contact with contaminated water.Take your animals to a vet immediately if they have consumed toxic algae or contaminated water.There are also toxic algae alerts in place for the Waihopai River upstream of Queen’s Drive and the Waiau River near the Excelsior Creek inflow.We encourage river users to take the time to know what to look for and to keep informed via our website, out the photos and descriptions on our website for further information: comments, please get in touch with Environment Southland communications team on 0800 76 88 45

New look for Fiordland's Vintage Machinery Museum
New look for Fiordland's Vintage Machinery Museum

16 January 2025, 6:46 AM

A vintage shearing shed, Milford Road workers cabin, old-time engineering workshop and even a helicopter are just some of the exciting new displays going on show at the Fiordland Vintage Machinery Museum's open day this Saturday's (18 Jan).Renovations to the Te Anau attraction have extended both inside and out with a new roof, facades and artwork all recently installed by club members.Museum secretary/treasurer, Bob Anderson said it was hoped that by better displaying the museum's diverse collections, the club would not only better tell the story of Fiordland's heyday but also attract more visitors and even new members.A new Robinson R22 helicopter display. Photo: Alina Suckanski“Over the last two years, the museum focus has changed from vintage machinery to a heritage centre," Anderson said."As part of that shift, we set up many new permanent displays.”Anderson said members have taken ownership of the various displays.There is a fantastic horse display built by Don Reed (a former Molesworth station manager) and Doug Ramsey, he said.And Stewie Moore managed to find this old stove. It's a 1929 McCleary electric stove that he actually recovered and restored, Anderson added.However the transition had meant some old tractors, motorbikes and stationary engines have had to be relocated, either to the club's new 'Alistair's Shed' or back to members' homes, he said.From Saturday visitors will also enjoy a new look foyer, impressive false ceiling and exposed Oregon beams, trusses and sarking, thanks to retired builder Ross McEwan.Corrugated iron walls have been insulated and gibed, and a new powerful log burner installed.On cold days visitors there will be a warm, comfortable reception area, while on hot days the Oregon timber ceiling and insulated walls will keep the heat out.From left: Russell Cloake, Merv Cloake (obscured), Bob Anderson and Garth McCombe gathered around a 1911 Blackstone oil engine. Photo: Alina SuchanskiFrom the foyer, a door leads to a large tin shed strewn with various machinery. Inside four men are hunched over a 1911 Blackstone oil engine. The smell of smoke whifts through the room.“We had it going for a while. Now we are trying to figure out why it stopped and how to fix it,” Anderson said.“On the open day we want to have as many engines as possible running for demonstrations.”Over the years the Museum has grown from strength to strength.What started as a men-shed a few decades back, is now a substantial asset and tourist attraction, with several buildings filled with vintage machinery meticulously restored by up to 75 club members - whose average age is around 70.Displays now include a shearing shed, fencing, logging, bee keeping, rabbiting, fishing, horse and carriage displays, as well as Milford Road workers cabin and power generation display with Francis Turbine.In addition, there is a vintage kitchen, old Post Office, old-time engineering workshop and a Robinson R22 helicopter display.Funding for the $10,000 project came from the Aotearoa Gaming Trust, Meridian, with the balance self-funded from members’ donations,” Anderson said.The club will celebrate the completion of its new displays with a free open day this Saturday (18 Jan).Fiordland Vintage Machinery Club Open DayDate: Saturday 18th JanuaryTime: 10am - 3pmEntry: FreeFood & Drink: Free ice-cream and drinks for children (donated by Fresh Choice supermarket) while adults can have a free coffee. Free coffee for adults, and BBQ gourmet sausage by gold coin donation.The Museum thanks the Te Anau community for their support and invites all to come along and see the new enhancements.

Centenarian has strong bond with Te Anau
Centenarian has strong bond with Te Anau

15 January 2025, 8:19 PM

Te Anau long-term resident, Margaret Tiplady, nee Excell, has recently celebrated her 100th birthday.Born on 7 January 1925 in Nightcaps, Margaret was the youngest of seven children of Walter and Margaret Excell.Margaret Tiplady as a youngster in Nightcaps. Photo: SuppliedShe was brought up in Nightcaps and later worked at a local grocery store.In 1946, at 21 years of age, she married Arthur (Aff) Tiplady, a coalminer from Ohai.The couple had two sons, Trevor and Allan.Mrs Tiplady bought a dairy in Nightcaps, which she ran until the early1960s, when the family moved to Timaru, where Margaret’s sister lived.In 1970 a tragedy struck, when Aff died suddenly at the age of 47.After her husband’s death, Margaret moved to Te Anau, where several members of her family lived, including her brother, Ernie Excell, owner of the XL Motel (now Edgewater), which Mrs Tiplady managed on behalf of her brother’s until she was 60, when she retired.Arthur and Margaret cutting the cake on their wedding day. Photo: SuppliedHowever, she continued to live an active and busy life.She was an avid bridge player and a keen bowler.Her name figures prominently on the champion boards at the Te Anau Bowling Club and she was granted a life membership of both the bowling club and the bridge club.She was also a passionate gardener, tending a large veggie garden at the back of her flat in Milford Road.In her later years she joined the Golden Oldies club.Mrs Tiplady’s niece, Margaret Cockburn, remembers her aunt’s time in Te Anau.Margaret with her bowling and Bridge trophies. Photo: Supplied“When we shifted here in 1976, my auntie was managing the XL Motel and I started helping her. She was fun to work with. We used to laugh a lot,” she said.“She is a very determined person, quite competitive and very independent.""When she began to lose her eyesight, around 1994, I looked after her, but it didn’t deter her from riding her mobility scooter at a breakneck speed.""She was still doing her own shopping and gardening.""It was only in her later years that I started taking her shopping in my car,” Mrs Cockburn said.Margaret never remarried.Margaret Tiplady (centre), surrounded by all her descendants on her 100th birthday. Photo: SuppliedShe lived on her own in her Te Anau flat for nearly 50 years, until four years ago, at the age of 96, she moved to Omokoroa, near Tauranga, North Island, to live with her son, Allan’s family.Mrs Tiplady is a proud mother, grandmother and great grandmother to her two sons, six grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.At 100 she still enjoys walking and has a very sharp mind.Margaret's 100th birthday cake. Photo: SuppliedThe highlights of her life were her successes in bowling and bridge and spending time with her friends, of whom she had many.Her advice to younger people for a long and happy life is to “keep to yourself, have good friends, go for walks, and live a quiet life”.

Bin inspections restart after tonnes of recycling sent to landfill
Bin inspections restart after tonnes of recycling sent to landfill

15 January 2025, 3:16 AM

High rates of recycle bin contamination has seen tonnes of recycling redirected to landfill and prompted WasteNet Southland to restart its yellow bin inspections from 10th February.WasteNet Southland Director Fiona Walker said in the 2023/2024 period alone, 944 tonnes of material was directed from yellow bins to landfill – with an equivalent dollar cost to ratepayers of $339,000.“When a bin is contaminated, there is the risk that the truck’s entire contents is no longer able to be directed to recycling and instead end up in landfill."Walker said that was a significant financial and environmental cost.Contamination ranged from what was commonly known as “wish-cycling” – small amounts of unaccepted items people may think could be included, to gross contamination from households using their recycling bins for rubbish, Walker said.Recycling is currently hand-sorted in Southland, so contamination also had significant health and safety implications, particularly when sorters were handling contamination such as medical waste, she said.Chairman of the WasteNet Joint Committee, Gore District deputy mayor Keith Hovell, said after each inspection, inspectors would leave a bin tag with helpful feedback to assist the public in improving their recycling habits.“By reintroducing bin inspections, our hope is that we can not only direct rubbish and recycling to the appropriate place, but also educate our community on how their own small actions can have a real impact,” he said.“This is about giving our community the knowledge and tools to ensure we can change our behaviour, minimise waste destined for landfill, and together recycle as much as we are able.”A green tag would indicate households were recycling well, while an orange tag would indicate there were a few incorrect items found in a bin, and a red tag would indicate significant contamination, Hovell said.Those who received a red tag would not have their bin collected and would need to remove the contamination prior to their next scheduled collection run, he said.Alongside bin inspections, WasteNet would be delivering community education and information to support people with recycling correctly.Bin inspections will start through the Invercargill City and Southland District boundaries from 10th February, and follows similar moves in areas such as Dunedin, Auckland, and Christchurch.CLICK HERE to find out more.

Squash stalwart Debs Shirley hangs up racquet
Squash stalwart Debs Shirley hangs up racquet

14 January 2025, 7:06 AM

Southland's Debs Shirley has hung up her squash racquet one final time and admits she feels very lucky to have fallen in love with her chosen sport, twice.Debs made her announcement “with a heavy heart” at the Squash Southland awards, calling time on a career notable for a long list of highlights including winning the Southland Female Player of the Year five times and winning the national B grade teams event as part of a combined Invercargill club team in 1999.She has also been a Southland C grade (once) and B grade (13 times) champion, Squash City women’s club champion six times, Southland 45-54 age group champion nine times, a two-time Southland Open champion and six-time Southland Masters Women’s champion.One of her proudest achievements was to make it to A grade level, albeit for two weeks.“I’ve been extremely lucky to have been able to do what I’ve done.”Debs grew up at the Blues squash courts which her parents helped to establish on Conon St, making an early impression with a couple of South Island under 13 girls titles.Ironically, it was the amalgamation of the Blues, Old Boys and Invercargill clubs which prompted her first retirement, coinciding with a career highlight as a combined Invercargill club team won that national B grade teams event.“At the time those clubs had just amalgamated and I’d decided to hang up my racquet because my heart was with my old Blues club. We had been trying for that title for so many years and I felt like I’d achieved all I wanted to in squash, but apparently that wasn’t the case because I came back again.”Thirteen years later, Debs found herself venturing through the doors at Squash City in what would become the second act of her squash career.“I went down to watch my niece and the atmosphere was so cool with this new club and I had gotten over my wee tantrum about the clubs amalgamating.”It wasn’t all straight forward. In her first or second game back playing against Pauline Fairweather, Debs snapped her left Achilles tendon and was out for the best part of a year.When she returned, she won the club championships and she hasn’t looked back. Inspired by the longevity of Jan McAra, Debs has worked hard to maintain her game and has loved being part of Masters events for the past decade, ever since going away with a Shaun Madden-coached Southland team for the first time.“It’s the people, the atmosphere. It’s like a family with people who have the same passion as you,” she says.“I’m going to miss that dearly.”Being such a competitive spirit, Debs says she needs a clean break from the sport and is looking forward to doing some more caravan trips.“It’s going to be tough. I know if I go down to the courts I’m going to want to get back out there. Like I said in my speech, it’s with a heavy heart because I’d love to keep doing what I do, but I can’t. I don’t want to go backwards. The mind still wants to do what the body can’t.”Debs will retain at least one link with the sport, however, after donating a trophy titled the Debs Shirley Masters Squash Personality of the Year, to be presented annually at the Squash Southland awards.The inaugural winner of the award was Andrea Dudley, a teammate in the Southland Masters team.While a new Squash NZ grading system was taking some time to adjust to and there was a lack of numbers in women's squash locally, most Southland clubs were in good heart and squash remained a great sport to get involved in, Debs said.“I’d encourage anyone to get involved. It’s such an awesome game and you just get addicted to it. Anyone can do it and it’s a lot of fun.”

Hoiho/Yellow-eyed penguin nest numbers down
Hoiho/Yellow-eyed penguin nest numbers down

14 January 2025, 4:56 AM

Mainland yellow-eyed penguin could become extinct within two decades, says the Department of Conservation (DOC), with the number of known nests dropping by 80 percent over the past decade and a half.The hoiho - or yellow-eyed penguin - is one of the rarest penguins in the world, with only 143 known nests on mainland New Zealand including on Stewart Island.DOC says that without a serious turnaround, the 2024 Bird of the Year winner could become extinct within 20 years.The 2024/25 nest counts across Otago, Southland and Stewart Island show a decline of 80 percent since 2008/09.DOC said there were less than 100 chicks on Stewart Island and mainland New Zealand, and there was no guarantee of their long-term survival.Hoiho have a low reproductive rate and low juvenile survival. It is expected less than 20 percent of these chicks will survive to adulthood, DOC added.DOC said the declining numbers were a result of multiple threats including disease, introduced predators, human disturbance, a significant shift in adult diet, fisheries bycatch, and marine predation.Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu hoiho recovery representative Puawai Swindells-Wallace had visited nesting sites from Waitaha (Canterbury) down to Rakiura (Stewart Island) and seen first-hand the hard mahi conservation rangers and volunteers were doing to try to save this species from extinction."We have some really good people on the ground, but with such a large range to cover, it is extremely challenging," Swindells-Wallace said."Hoiho are a taonga species for Ngāi Tahu and it is unthinkable that we could lose them - we don't really know what impact that could have on the whole ecosystem."We need to collectively increase our capacity to support the hoiho to regain their rightful place on our beaches and in our moana."They were coined 'the people's penguin' and won the Bird of The Year competition in 2019 and 2024, but recent mainland hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin nest counts have experts worried.The Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust (YEPT) recently appointed Anna Campbell to lead the organisation, with a focus on innovation to accelerate restoration of coastal ecosystems."Nest and chick numbers are critically low on mainland New Zealand," Campbell said."Now is the time to come together, be bold and brave - collaborating can enhance our potential to protect the hoiho."We are committed to a future where hoiho thrive in the natural environment."Published by permission

Critical supplies stolen from southern rescue helicopter
Critical supplies stolen from southern rescue helicopter

13 January 2025, 1:39 AM

A Queenstown air ambulance helicopter at Taieri Airfield was burgled at the weekend (11-12 Jan), with critical medical equipment including drugs taken.Helicopters Otago CEO Graheme Gale said the theft of the bag was from the rescue helicopter had just taken a critically ill patient to Dunedin Hospital.“The helicopter and crew were forced to hold over at the base in North Taieri due to bad weather."The stolen bag contained critical medical equipment and supplies.“If the helicopter and crew had responded to an incident unaware that the bag had been taken, there could have been fatal consequences,” Gale said.Police Acting Area Investigations Manager Detective Sergeant Hayden Smale said this particular theft is concerning on many levels.“Beyond putting the lives of air ambulance patients at risk by taking these essential medical supplies, some of the drugs stolen pose a significant risk to anyone who may choose to take them recreationally."“The wrong combination or dosage could potentially be fatal, and we urge extreme caution for anyone who may come into contact with these stolen medical supplies."“We continue to investigate this matter and will be working hard to identify any available lines of enquiry,” Smale said.Police would like to hear from anyone who might have information about the burglary, or those involved.If you have information to share please get in touch via our 105 service, quoting reference number 250112/9460.You can also share information anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Local (Bluff) Legend: Flutes Gets the Job Done
Local (Bluff) Legend: Flutes Gets the Job Done

12 January 2025, 1:38 AM

If there’s a job needing done in Bluff then ‘Flutes’ is your man.Third generation Bluff royalty as the grandson of the renowned Fred and Myrtle Flutey, famous the nation over for their iconic Bluff ‘Paua House’, Flutes pours out practical kindness wherever he goes.From organising mass pallet drop-offs to his workplace at Southfish, cutting them up for firewood or recycling them, also repurposing reject fish blocks for crayfishermen, all to fund the Awarua Boating Club, Flutes has had it sussed.He’s your ultimate DIY innovator, turning a rubber bobbin off a fishing boat and an old fishing net into a netball hoop for the local kids.Flutes has been one of Southland’s best rowers in his day, sporting a haul of World Masters and Australian Masters golds between 2004 and 2014.He took out New Zealand titles as a youngster cleaning up the lightweight doubles at the national champs with fellow Bluff rower Rex Ryan.Kevin (rear) and his faithful rowing buddy, Rex Ryan, pumping out the wins as Southland champions about 20 years ago. Photo: SuppliedHe also rowed for the NZ Lightweight Colts from 1979, based in Christchurch for two seasons. Eileen Keys and her husband billeted him.“She was like my second Mum.”The other rowers at Karapiro meets called him ‘Penguin’ because he rowed in Bluff.Flutes may have gone on to even greater things, but oystering is in the Flutey blood so when good mate Willie Calder came to Christchurch and said, ‘Come home and come oystering for me’, Flutes says he couldn’t resist.“I just love it, and you can’t take the Bluff out of the boy,” he grins.‘The Bluff’ represented a wonderfully, happy childhood roaming the outdoors, the eldest of four kids, racing homemade trollies down steep Bluff streets, making flax darts for street competitions, bows and arrows from lupins and toi toi weapons with nails in the tip. No OSH concerns in the 1960s.Kevin (left) and the kids with Grandad Fred and his dad Ian. Photo: Supplied“Mum would call us for tea and we’d be straight back outside again, kicking rugby balls over the power lines to the neighbours’ disgust,” he chuckles.“We even built an underground wartime tunnel from the henhouse to Dad’s workshop with old timber and a tin roof which we camouflaged with grass clumps and Mum and Dad couldn’t find us.”Flutes has had a few close calls, like the time his hand slipped off an oyster boat rail, eight-year-old Kevin plummeting into the ocean off the wharf, gumboots and all.“Thankfully, my cousin heard the splash, and Keith Templeton threw a rope to me, which luckily hit me on the hand.”At three he got into his dad’s shed and drank fresh paint, rushed to hospital to have his stomach pumped.“They thought they’d lost me.”Kevin, 28, shows how it’s done in the children’s playground in Queens Park, Invercargill. Photo: SuppliedMuch tastier was Nana Myrtle’s baking, her Drop Sponge a winner.Flutes was bound to become adventurous.Grandad Fred would get dropped off by the Wairua Stewart Island ferry at Chalky Inlet on its way to service the Puysegur Lighthouse.He’d live in a cave for two weeks while collecting washed up paua shells.“That was his holiday. He’d walk along the shore up towards The Five Fingers leaving the big bags of shells then collecting them in his 16-foot (4.8m) dinghy,” Flutes says.“One day he got stuck due to weather so he pushed that huge dinghy through the bush into Preservation Inlet where he could meet the Wairua.”Famous Grandad Fred Flutey polishing his beloved paua shells. Photo: SuppliedDad Ian also rowed in the 1950s and once a very slight Flutes had got a taste as coxswain, aged nine, he helped take the local team to stardom for seven years until he was old enough to take a seat.“We had some ding dong battles rowing against Invercargill’s Eade brothers and the Riverton club,” he recalls. The Awarua Club was humming then with 72 rowers and seven coxswains.A 21-year-old Flutes was right there amongst it helping fundraise and build the new club building in 1981.Photo: SuppliedHe was also a volunteer as camera boat driver for the World Rowing Championships in 2010 at Karapiro and served on the Southland Rowing Association executive for eight years, representing the province nationally.A man who likes to get the job done, not even Flutes could turn down the offer to row his first Masters in Hamburg, Germany, in 2004.“I’d just pulled our kitchen sink out to start a $20,000 renovation for my wife when Rex Ryan knocked on the door.”Another rower had fallen ill, and Flutes was needed to compete, his boss at Southport urgently helping raise the airfares.Fortunately, wife Debbie was a good sport about it encouraging him to go.“I’m halfway through that kitchen now,” he grins.Kevin (centre) in action in the Intermediate 8 in 1994. Photo: SuppliedHe’d be finished but Flutes is too busy volunteering his time to help others, something Debbie and his family have been fully supportive of.“It’s just who I am,” he says.With rowing numbers dwindling in Bluff, for the last eight years Flutes has coached young Invercargill high school rowers.“It was supposed to be for two days a week but that’s turned into seven,” he grins.The competition’s still in him though. “I tore my hamstring in four places trying to beat the school rowing girls at our May Ten Pin Bowling break-up.”Flutes has been at the helm of his dad’s 72-foot steel oyster boat from a young age, even helping out back then.Four generations of Fluteys, from left, Grandad Fred holding Kevin’s son Matthew, Dad Ian and Kevin (‘Flutes’). Photo: Supplied“Dad had lots of farming mates who’d come down and go out on the boat on a Sunday, sometimes getting a bit worse for wear so I’d steer the boat into the harbour,” he grins.A trained electrician, Flutes had been nagging to leave Kingswell High School and man his dad’s oyster boat.“He wouldn’t let me until I got a trade.”He trained as an electrician completing a six-year apprenticeship, working as an electrician while rowing in Christchurch.After 10 years oystering, forced redundancies in the industry saw him reluctantly working at a fish factory and driving trucks.Not even serious motion sickness held him back from those boats though.Flutes and Debbie with the grandkids. Photo: SuppliedTwenty years with Southport followed and for the past six years Flutes has been making salt ice at Southfish and delivering it to the fishing boats.The pallet drop-off he turned into firewood during Covid times was just typical of the heart of the man who delivered it to the elderly and those in need.“One guy nearly ripped the bag out of my hand he was that cold,” he says. But the work of a volunteer man never ends, it seems.“I always help out when someone asks me.”However, Flutes reckons it’s his wife and family, including three sons, who should be honoured for their years of understanding.“I’m an electrician and the lights on that new kitchen were hanging off the ceiling for quite some time,” he grins.There’s always time for the grandchildren though, who recently called on ‘Gong Gong’, as they call him, to collect the floats for the preschool Santa parade.A kind man’s work is never done.

ILT supporting Southlanders on the world stage
ILT supporting Southlanders on the world stage

10 January 2025, 7:59 PM

In 2024, Group ILT approved more than $400,000 in funding towards supporting Southland's talent across various fields, from international competitions to tertiary education. 26 scholarships were awarded to help 40 Southlanders selected to represent New Zealand on the world stage.These grants totalled more than $50,000 and supported travel to Denmark, Vietnam, Korea, France, Dubai, Peru, USA, and China, to name a few.ILT President, Paddy O'Brien commented, "The wide range of fields represented by the recipients, from cycling to choir, highlights the exceptional talent we have here in Southland. We're proud that our funding supports these individuals to compete on the international stage.” Most recently, the board approved travel support for nine members of the Murihiku Scout Zone to represent Scouts NZ at an event in Queensland, Australia.The young attendees will develop their leadership skills and international connections that they can bring back to Invercargill. Towards the end of 2024, ILT awarded tertiary scholarships to 65 young people embarking on their academic journeys.Each recipient will receive $2,000 per year for the next three years, with around $390,000 allocated annually towards this initiative. Since its inception in 2007, the Tertiary Scholarship programme has supported over 900 students, with a total investment exceeding $5 million. "We're grateful for the opportunity to support our community members as they pursue higher education. It's inspiring to see the calibre of students coming through and their aspirations for the future," he said. In an interesting coincidence, Renee Stevenson, who received support from ILT to compete in Australia at the ICN World Natural Games where she won her category. Her daughter Ebony was also awarded an ILT tertiary scholarship. "International competition has ramped up since borders reopened, and we're seeing increased demand for support across our scholarship programmes," O'Brien added."As we look to the future, ILT remains committed to nurturing local talent and providing opportunities for Southlanders to shine on both national and international stages."

No plan for Te Anau homeless
No plan for Te Anau homeless

10 January 2025, 7:05 PM

Homelessness is increasing in Te Anau without any long-term support for those affected, a Fiordland conceptual plan has revealed.Meanwhile, efforts to target the issue with a new approach have come up empty-handed, a community board chair says.The Te Anau Basin Development Plan was released last month with a goal of helping the Fiordland Community Board make future decisions.It covered a range of topics, including the local economy, population trends and housing.Regarding the latter, issues were highlighted around a lack of affordable housing in Te Anau as well as an increasing need for elderly accommodation.Homelessness was on the rise, for which there was no long-term support in the area, it said.Although there was a steady stream of houses being built, that number was not an accurate representation of availability, because of the amount which were holiday homes or short-term rentals.This increased the need for social housing, which was also exacerbated by the cost of land and building.Fiordland Community Board chair Diane Holmes said accommodation issues had been on the town’s radar for decades, adding that it was a nationwide problem.Feedback from social workers indicated some families were doing it tough without appropriate housing, but central government had pared back support, she said.“We’ve reached out to a lot of other agencies and tried multi-agency approaches and might as well just be banging our head against a brick wall.”Holmes was optimistic about the report as a whole, saying it highlighted Te Anau was well placed for both residential and commercial building moving forward.The Luxmore subdivision — undertaken in 2022 — allowed for more intensive building with up to three dwellings on a single section, she said.The report showed that an essential industry in the area, tourism, was also contributing to the housing challenge.Short-term rentals were important for visitor accommodation which supported the sector, but also had implications for long-term housing.Community engagement was a key factor in formulating the development plan, with the end product noting people had discussed a wide range of topics.That included increased density, vulnerability to natural disasters and the location of the school in the town centre.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air

Brainless numpty' - local council post shames Southland toilet vandals
Brainless numpty' - local council post shames Southland toilet vandals

08 January 2025, 11:53 PM

The Southland District Council has publicly shamed the "brainless numpty" who vandalised Riverton's new $620,000 public toilets overnight.After discovering wet toilet paper flung throughout the facility council staff posted a sassy message on social media today to those responsible for the "disgusting mess"."I hope next time you are in desperate need of a public toilet there isn't a scrap of toilet paper to wipe your butt," the post read.It was not the first time the toilet had been targeted."Look at the disgusting mess which greeted the cleaner at the Taramea Bay toilets in Riverton-Aparima this morning. The second time is as many weeks!" the post went on.Vandals leave wet toilet paper stuck to the walls of Riverton's new $620,000 public toilets. Photo: Supplied / Southland District Council"To see the community's newest facilities treated like this by some brainless numpty (or numpties if plural is appropriate) is incredibly disappointing. Next time, show some damn respect."Southland District Council's public toilets in Lumsden had also been the target of regular vandalism.A council spokesperson said they were not aware of any other facilities being targeted on this occasion.The spokesperson said they were also unaware if the matter was reported to police but it was often difficult to identify and catch vandals as they carried out their acts under the cover of darkness.Published by permission

‘Ready for takeoff’: Plans to save financially unstable southern airport
‘Ready for takeoff’: Plans to save financially unstable southern airport

08 January 2025, 5:00 PM

A plan to change the fortunes of the embattled Fiordland airport is one step closer.Since its inception, Te Anau Airport Manapouri has run at a loss with shortfalls ranging from $217,000 to almost $320,000 across the last five years alone.But owner Southland District Council views the facility as a “strategic asset” and hopes to set it on the right path.Following the 2022 local government election, the newly elected Fiordland Community Board requested the council undertake a review of the airport, resulting in a working group forming the following year.A report released by Great South last month recommended a business case be developed for the future of the airport — a move which has been welcomed by Fiordland Community Board chair Diane Holmes.“It (the airport) is like a project and a vision that was started, but it was never given the focus it deserved in order to prioritise things and make it successful,” Holmes said.“It’s never had a strategic plan.”Holmes said there was a lot of progress being made in the background, with expressions of interest in tenancies for hanger spaces and a new cafe.“We’ve got everything in a position where, excuse the pun, it’s ready to takeoff.”At a meeting on December 16, the community board decided it would take funds from the Luxmore subdivision reserve to action a business case for the airport, which would need final approval from the council.Up to $324,180 plus GST could be required for the business case, with hopes of completion within 18 months.Despite the ongoing challenges facing the operation, consultation last year for the council’s long-term plan revealed the community still saw the airport as valuable.The Great South report said the airport was a well-kept asset with a modern terminal and excellent runway.It also noted that few airports around the world were economically viable based on aviation alone.Some of the initial ideas for improving outcomes included optimising income from existing rental parcels, renting new parcels, and creating new homes in airport hangars.The airport was constructed in the 1960’s by Mount Cook Air and purchased by the council in 2002 for $401,000.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air

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