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Stoat targeted after 4 takahē deaths in Greenstone valley
Stoat targeted after 4 takahē deaths in Greenstone valley

28 March 2025, 12:17 AM

The Department of Conservation (DOC) has ramped up trapping efforts in the Greenstone Valley, near Queenstown, following the deaths of four takahē, attributed to stoat predation.Eighteen takahē were first released on Ngāi Tahu tribal property, Greenstone Station, in 2023 to establish a new wild population. That number has now grown to between 20-30 after 18 months of successful breeding.DOC Takahē Recovery Operations Manager, Deidre Vercoe, said that while predation was anticipated, the cluster of deaths over five weeks is concerning.“DNA analysis and necropsy results point to a stoat, and we have since spotted a likely culprit multiple times on a camera in the area.' “A fifth takahē with an unknown cause of death could also have been a victim.'“Stoats can be extremely trap shy and take some time to catch, so more takahē deaths could become a reality,” Vercoe said. In response, DOC has increased monitoring, installed extra traps, deployed a stoat detection dog, and is using baited trail cameras. The existing trapping network is also being rebaited more frequently.Nationwide, more than 500 takahē exist, with many living in wild sites where stoats are present.Ngāi Tahu representative on the Takahē Recovery Group, Gail Thompson says these recent deaths highlight that, despite their large size, sturdy beaks and claws, takahē remain vulnerable to introduced predators wherever they are in the wild.A takahe is released in the Rees Valley. Photo: RealNZ“This reinforces the importance of continuing to find new wild habitats for our taonga species while also collectively striving for a predator-free Aotearoa New Zealand,” Thompson said.”Efforts to establish a population of up to 80 takahē in the nearby Rees Valley began in February this year (2025) with a release of 18 birds, with further releases planned for April and Spring.

Roadworks Update 28/3/25
Roadworks Update 28/3/25

28 March 2025, 12:03 AM

Work on state highways in Southland from 29 March to 4 AprilMany of these are subject to good weather, so dates may change if this is not the case.Highways South work with temporary traffic lights or stop/go and temporary speed limits this week:SH1 Bluff highway from Greenpoint to McGorlick St Bluff for pavement repairsSH1 Clyde St Invercargill between Troopers roundabout and Tweed St roundabout – directional closures for asphalt renewal (nightworks)During nightworks, HPMV detour via heavy traffic bypass or TweedSt/Rockdale Road, or if over 4.3m high via Tweed St/Inglewood RoadSH6 Winton-Lorneville highway at Lochiel Bridge Road for chipseal resurfacingSH96 Winton-Wreys Bush highway at Transmission Line Road for pavement repairsSH99 Riverton-Wallacetown highway at Webb Road for chipseal resurfacing Roadmarking:SH6 Winton to Invercargill – mobile operationSH93 Mataura to Clinton– mobile operationSH99 Invercargill to Tuatapere  – mobile operationSH97– mobile operation Third party work and events with traffic management in place this week:SH1 Clyde St/Tweed St roundabout, lane drop for kerb and channel repairsSH1 Edendale-woodlands highway between Woodlands and Forbes Road, stop/go for tree workSH6 Lumsden-Dipton highway north of Dipton, stop/go for tree workSH96 at Tinkertown, stop/go for tree workSH96 at Winton, stop/go for tree workSH96 Winton-Wreys Bush highway at Winton, stop/go for tree workSH99 Tuatapere-Orepuki highway at Orepuki, stop/go for powerlines maintenance Upcoming work/events:April – SH1/SH6 Troopers roundabout, asphalt resurfacing (nightworks)April – SH1 at Kekeno Place, asphalt resurfacingApril – SH99 at Lorneville, asphalt resurfacing Useful links:NZTA Journeys website - Impact Register - - download and filter the region for ‘Southland’. This will indicate any upcoming work in the next fortnight which have closures, detours or width restrictions for freight. Have a great weekend and travel safely. 

Class Action: Mossburn School
Class Action: Mossburn School

27 March 2025, 11:28 AM

What an incredible start to the year we've had here at Mossburn School, with 8 new enrolments already! We kicked off with a fantastic turnout at our working bee and BBQ, where we warmly welcomed our new families.We also showed our support for Batting for Mental Health with a green mufti day, meanwhile in Wanaka - Arabella Stalker was smashing it in the Puzzling World Kids' Triathlon - taking out 2nd place in the Year 5 competition! Ka pai, Arabella!A Green mufti day. Photo: suppliedOur Year 6 leaders had an amazing experience at Adventure Southland, spending three hours challenging themselves on the high ropes course and climbing wall. They worked together to solve problems, honing their teamwork and leadership skills in the process.Happy times climbing walls. Photo: suppliedWe also proudly showcased our floral and art exhibits at the annual Mossburn Flower Show, and our athletes competed with distinction at the Mid Dome Athletics. It was thrilling to watch our 9-year-old girls' relay team coming home more than 10 metres ahead of the pack, including the boys' teams!We were super proud of Pippa Klein, Kaitlin Smith and Alvin Chhetri who took away their respective age group champion titles. We have seven athletes heading to the Southland Athletics this Saturday, marking our largest team in years. A big thank you to Amy Heenan and the parent volunteers at the Mossburn Athletics Club for their invaluable contribution to our success!Athletic champions. Photo: suppliedThis term, we've been fortunate to host the "Wood is Good" forestry education visit and the Life Education van, with the builders even grabbing a selfie with Harold! Last Friday, we held our Mossburn School Swimming Sports, where all of our tamariki participated in either competitive or non-competitive events, and we were so grateful to see so many parents and grandparents supporting us. School swimming sports. Photo: suppliedOur Year 3-6 girls also had a blast participating in "Fern Fever" in Invercargill! A huge thank you to Miss Jones for organising this fantastic event, and to the parents who provided transport and support—your help was greatly appreciated!  Looking ahead, we're excited about the upcoming Year 5/6 Camp to Stewart Island—what an adventure that's going to be!Dome Cafe proudly supporting Mossburn SchoolI’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the wonderful parents, community members, and teachers of Mossburn School. Your dedication and support go above and beyond every day. We are truly fortunate to have such an amazing team here at Mossburn, and we are incredibly proud of our tamariki!

Fiordland Takes Centre Stage in Minecraft Tourism Campaign
Fiordland Takes Centre Stage in Minecraft Tourism Campaign

26 March 2025, 5:53 AM

Fiordland is featured in the new Minecraft: Aotearoa world, developed by Tourism New Zealand to promote the country as a must-visit destination.The campaign includes iconic locations like Milford and Doubtful Sound/Patea, with players entering through a digital portal inspired by a real-life Minecraft portal built on the Milford Sound foreshore.The campaign, the first to use Minecraft as a tourism platform, targets Minecraft’s 170 million monthly players, aiming to attract younger travellers and digital natives.It is supported by the upcoming release of Minecraft: The Movie and a global influencer programme.Great South’s General Manager of Tourism and Events, Mark Frood, said this was an incredible opportunity to put Fiordland and Murihiku Southland on the map in a new and creative way.“It’s opened doors to new audiences, and we’re already seeing strong momentum building around the campaign.”“This is more than just a moment in the spotlight - it’s a real opportunity to drive long-term impact for our region,” he added.Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka Chair Tracey Wright-Tawha said whānau had worked with the game developers to reflect their kaitiaki relationship with Te Rua-o-Te-Moko (Fiordland) and the preservation of this magnificent taonga.“We had a lot of input from our whānau, which was thrilling and a bit nerve-wracking,”“[Doubtful Sound] Patea is incredibly significant to our people and communities. It was a place of our ancestors with very harsh conditions."“There are millions of people playing Minecraft around the world at any one time and now they can explore Patea virtually.""It’s another way to enjoy this special place without leaving a footprint.”Wright-Tawha said it had been a good way for the rūnaka to dip its toes in the water on a project of this size and complexity and to represent what they considered to be their backyard.“It’s created more diverse conversations within our rūnaka around our role as kaitiaki and what other opportunities there could be at Patea for us to share more of our stories with manuhiri,” Wright-Tawha said.CLICK HERE to watch the international campaign video.

Councillor rapped for assuming gender of mayors
Councillor rapped for assuming gender of mayors

26 March 2025, 2:18 AM

An Invercargill councillor has apologised for assuming the gender of mayors after initially doubling down on his comment at a meeting.On Tuesday, councillor Ian Pottinger was speaking to a paper discussing Local Government New Zealand’s (LGNZ) work around local elections and low voter turnout.Pottinger commented on the difference in how mayors and chairs were elected, saying the role of mayor was underplayed.“In the first option where the mayor is elected at large by a group of people, you have the chance of a mayor that has never been in local government before. Never at all been in local government,” Pottinger said.“He arrives on the doorstep, first up …”Pottinger was cut off by councillor Trish Boyle who interjected with “she” before Darren Ludlow chimed in with “they”.Pottinger explained he disagreed with Boyle because he had “just been to a course where gender was specifically used in the male sense”.Mayor Nobby Clark — who was chairing the meeting — said he didn’t want a cross table debate and believed roles should be talked about in a neutral way.“Sorry, I will accept any wrongdoings,” Pottinger said.Discussion moved back to the paper, with a number of councillors sharing their views on local government and potential reforms for the sector.Deputy mayor Tom Campbell said mayors were limited in their authority despite being expected to lead council.The extent to which they had authority depended on their mana in the community, he said.Lesley Soper and Trish Boyle both openly supported four year terms for council, while Ria Bond expressed concern there wasn’t enough in the Local Government Act to protect cities should situations take a turn for the worse.Alex Crackett said there was a paragraph in the LGNZ document which dealt with enhanced accountability and went in conjunction with the four-year term.Councillors ultimately resolved to hold a workshop ahead of lodging a submission to LGNZ’s Local Electoral Reform draft paper.The paper is set to be launched in July and covers topics addressing falling voter turnout.Those include public understanding of local government, voting methods, four-year terms, understanding candidates and their policies, and administration and promotion of elections.An electoral reform working group has been set up by LGNZ and includes four mayors, a councillor and university professor.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air

Southland Hospital missed man's lung cancer for five years
Southland Hospital missed man's lung cancer for five years

26 March 2025, 12:44 AM

A man's lung cancer doubled in size after being missed despite nine scans over five years in Southland Hospital.In a Health and Disability Commissioner report released on Monday, deputy commissioner Dr Vanessa Caldwell found he was not provided an appropriate standard of care.The man had nine scans or x-rays between 2017 and 2022, when advanced stage four cancer was diagnosed and had spread to his spine.The man's lung tumour was first overlooked during a CT scan at Southland Hospital in 2017, then again during further scans in the following years.Caldwell said there were several missed opportunities to identify the cancer and escalate his care appropriately.An adverse event review conducted by Health NZ last year found that specialist radiologist staffing at Southland Hospital had an impact on the workload, with no radiology registrar on the Southland site to support the radiologists.It also found reports were reviewed in a noisy environment where distractions could not be avoided and the opportunity for peer review was challenging with a lack of resourcing.Radiologists were generalists rather than subspecialists and the reporting process was complex and both time and an appropriate environment was needed to complete reports and expertise in reviewing imaging was critical to reducing missed and incidental findings, the review said.The man's lawyer said he was now dealing with cancer which had metastasized to other parts of his body as well as brain bleeds and lesions in his spine and other bones."We note within the provisional report some of the excuses offered by [Health NZ Southern] in respect of the environment, work pressure, working conditions, etc, that the radiologists had to work in. With respect, that is not the patient's fault... We note that multiple parties from different working environments, all of whom are deemed to be professional clinicians, failed [the man] significantly and repeatedly," the lawyer wrote."[He], his family and friends are left wondering what his prognosis and outcome of treatment would have been, had the radiologists involved in this case been competent and had seen the clearly visible lesion in 2017 and ensured that the doctor/s looking after him actually followed up and that his case was made a priority."Caldwell said Health NZ had a responsibility to provide the man with an appropriate standard of care between 2017 and 2022.In particular, she noted a doctor failed to identify the lesion in 2017 and Southland Hospital's respiratory service failed to recognise it had grown in 2019. It had also failed to communicate with the man's GP about the need for follow-up and failed to follow up on a scan in 2020 after a series of presentations to ED where the cause of his chest pain had not been identified.Health NZ Southern said work is under way to provide staff with support to ensure a reasonable work-life balance to reduce stress and fatigue.It will also reviewed peer-review requirements and discuss if they should be performed more frequently than annually.The adverse event review made several recommendations, including the establishment of a business case for a radiology registrar in Southland Hospital, reviewing alternative options for managing day-to-day radiology processes to reduce distraction, reconfigure the working environment to allow the doctor reading images to have quiet protected time.The Commissioner recommended that Health NZ Southern provide a written apology to the man for the failings, update the commissioner on the implementation of the recommendations in the adverse event review, consider implementing more frequent peer-reviews and use an anonymised version of this report to conduct training for its radiology and respiratory departments.Published by permission

Ex-councillor loses stoush over gorse-covered land
Ex-councillor loses stoush over gorse-covered land

26 March 2025, 12:41 AM

A former Invercargill councillor has been ordered to clear her gorse-covered section after losing a battle with the council she once represented.But Karen Arnold says she is giving no regard to the outcome and blames the gorse on neighbouring land which is co-owned by Invercargill City Council.The vacant section in question at Theodore St, Bluff, has failed eight inspections since 2022.On March 4, it was the subject of a hearing after Arnold took exception with a December notice which requested it be cleared of long grass and noxious plants within 60 days.Arnold is adamant the cause of gorse and broom on her land is Bluff Hill/Motupōhue, which is at the rear of the section and co-owned by the council and DoC.The council has got its way, however, with a determination released on Monday saying the presence of gorse on the hill did not give others a pass.The panel accepted having the plant on the boundary was “not appropriate or helpful”, but said the council took steps to address this, which could not have impacted it emerging on Arnold's section.“Removing gorse from private property must rest with the owner,” the panel said.Reports show some mistakes were made in dealing with the matter.That included the council issuing a non-compliant bylaw notice in October 2022 which forced it to clear Arnold's section at its own cost soon after.The panel also felt the organisation should have considered the time of year when issuing the December 2024 notice.In response to the hearing outcome, Arnold said the council was "continually investigating itself and finding that it’s not at fault".Arnold said she gave the result no regard because she raised her issues under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act and didn't recognise the panel as having the capacity to consider the matter.The council told Local Democracy Reporting it had operated within its rules and obligations for inspections.Bluff Hill/Motupōhue was managed to meet the requirements of the Southland Pest Hub, which recommended gorse be kept 10 metres from neighbouring boundaries, council group manager consenting and environment Jonathan Shaw said.A city map image from 2016 showed gorse had grown from the fence line between two private properties — not public land — and appeared to have been left unchecked over the years, he said.The hearing panel included councillors Darren Ludlow, Ria Bond and Trish Boyle.Declarations made at the start of that process included that Ludlow worked with the appellant while she was a councillor, and that she had contacted him regarding the initial decision.Bond said she had a previous relationship with Arnold as her hair stylist.Arnold was elected in 2013 and 2016, but stood down near the end of her second term.In 2018, RNZ reported she had declared bankrupt after losing a defamation suit against Stuff and then-mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air

Southland & Otago yet to endorse safety campaign for horse riders
Southland & Otago yet to endorse safety campaign for horse riders

26 March 2025, 12:37 AM

All but one of New Zealand’s regional and unitary councils are now backing a campaign to keep horse riders safer on New Zealand roads.The advocacy group, Pass Wide and Slow New Zealand, has the support of Police, St John, and the NZ Trucking Association for its efforts to educate drivers about horses on roads.But the group says local government endorsement is important if riders are to be recognised by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi as vulnerable road users.The group's spokesperson Julia McLean spoke to regional transport authorities around the country last year on the campaign and says all but one have now written letters supporting the equestrian community's submission to the Government's Infrastructure and Transport Committee.McLean says until recently the only official stats she could find on rider fatalities came from ACC, which recorded 17 deaths between 2007 and 2024.But an information request to Health New Zealand has suggested that number may be low.“We knew there must be more, because of what we were hearing from the equestrian community. But the police and NZTA don’t specifically record fatal [accidents] involving horses," she told LDR.At the suggestion of an ACC staffer, McLean asked Health New Zealand if it had any stats on deaths involving horse riders on roads.“And seriously, within five minutes I had a response with a complete breakdown of ages and gender for the period. Forty deaths in total ... it was very disturbing to read."That figure includes the 17 deaths recorded by ACC.The fatalities were split evenly between male and female riders or carriage drivers with the youngest just 10 years old, and the oldest, 75, McLean said.It is not clear if the additional fatalities involved a collision with a vehicle.Days later it occurred to her that WorkSafe NZ might also hold figures, and her inquiries revealed a further three more recent deaths, from 2020-2024.“So in total, 43 deaths that we know of, and we don’t yet have the Health NZ figures for the past four years. The total is not captured anywhere in one place.”NZTA based its figures on information from police attending crashes but the Police report system had no ‘tickbox’ to say a crash involved a horse rider, McLean said.“I’ve spoken to Police at length about this and OIA’d them for their crash stats and they’re buried.“The only info they could give me was they issued thirteen $55 infringement tickets in 13 years for risky driving around horses."McLean is hopeful the her efforts will change things.New Zealand spends $4 billion a year on rehabilitation following road trauma, much of it preventable, she says.“Horse-riders will be part of that and if motorists would just slow down and give them two metres space we could spare lives and suffering.”There are encouraging signs that change is afoot, McLean says.In the past week NZTA has put out two social media posts showing how to safely approach horses and carriages on the roads - and for that she says, equestrians all over Aotearoa, are grateful.*Otago/Southland is the only Regional Council Road Transport Committee that has so far not endorsed Vulnerable Road User status for horse riders and carriage drivers.LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.

Locals not too rattled by quake
Locals not too rattled by quake

25 March 2025, 4:21 AM

Civil Defence is still warning of strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges along the West Coast of the South Island urging those between Milford Sound and Puysegar Point to stay away from the water after this afternoon’s now updated 6.8 magnitude earthquake south-west of Tuatapere.While an earlier tsunami evacuation warning for Fiordland and Southland coastal areas soon after the 2.43pm quake struck has been lifted, Civil Defence says there’s still danger to swimmers, surfers, people fishing and anyone in or near the water close to shore.People between Milford and Puysegar Point are urged to “move out of the water, off beaches and shore areas and away from harbours, marinas, rivers and estuaries”.People on boats and at marinas are ordered to leave them and move onto shore and not return unless instructed by officials.“Don’t go to the coast to watch the unusual wave activity as there may be dangerous and unpredictable surges,” the latest national advisory says.The situation could continue for several hours, and the threat must be regarded as real until it’s cancelled.Civil Defence Southland Controller Aly Curd says otherwise people, who had left the coast as a precaution after this afternoon’s tsunami warnings, could return. However, they too were advised to stay away from beaches and out of the water for the next 12 hours with currents and tidal patterns possibly affected, he says. All boaties should also exercise extreme caution.Thousands of people felt the quake which has now been reassessed as 6.8 magnitude centred off the south-west coast of Tuatapere but Curd says it no longer poses a tsunami threat on the Southland coast.The earthquake struck at 2.43pm at a depth of 33kms, 160kms northwest of Snares Islands off the southern coast.The shaking was felt widely felt across Southland.Shelves were shaking at Tuatapere Four Square with some stock falling off the shelves, owner Mark Hewton says.“We felt it for about 30 seconds to a minute. It wasn’t violent, quite soft rolling,” he says.“We don’t have them that size here often. That’s probably only the second or third time in the five years I’ve been here.”He says nobody seemed worried and rushed for the doorways in the store even though “a few bits and pieces were falling off the shelves”.“It was more of a talking point for customers.”The tsunami warning didn’t rattle them in Riverton either where Carriers Arms patrons weren’t going to let cellphone tsunami Emergency Alerts interrupt their Tuesday afternoon beer.Publican Lisa Neylon says it was “a bloody good shake” felt by all that lasted a good couple of minutes.Pictures hanging on walls and ceiling fans were definitely swaying as did a truck parked in the pub car park.”It was fair shaking and the two guys beside it looked a bit surprised,” she says.People in the pub were laughing when the tsunami alert came up on their phones, she says.“We didn’t evacuate. Everybody just sat and read the alert message as we were all good. Everybody was just pretty cruisy,” she says.It was initially reported 30kms southwest of Lumsden with residents as far away as Mataura, over to Dipton, and through to Queenstown noticing the severe shake.Some reported a long slow roll near Dipton while as far away as Queenstown hanging lights and objects were left swinging markedly.A second magnitude 5.0 quake was reported nearby – 155km north-west of Snares islands at 3.56pm at a depth of 12km.

Southland Tsunami Warning lifted
Southland Tsunami Warning lifted

25 March 2025, 3:23 AM

A Civil Defence tsunami warning ordering residents of the Southland and Fiordland coastlines to evacuate after this afternoon’s strong 6.7 magnitude earthquake centred off the south-west coast of Tuatapere has now been lifted with no threat posed to the Southland coast.Civil Defence Southland Controller Aly Curd says people who have left the coast as a precaution after the warnings issued may now return. However, they’re advised to stay away from beaches and out of the water for the next 12 hours as currents and tidal patterns may have been affected, he says. Boaties should also exercise extreme caution.Thousands of people felt the quake which has been assessed as 6.7 magnitude centred off the south-west coast of Tuatapere and Curd says in the latest Civil Defence update that it now poses “no threat” of a tsunami on the Southland coast.The earthquake struck at 2.43pm at a depth of 33kms and Geonet assessments have it at 6.7magnitutde, 160kms northwest of Snares Islands off the southern coast.The shaking was felt widely felt across Southland.It was initially reported 30kms southwest of Lumsden with residents as far away as Mataura, over to Dipton, and through to Queenstown noticing the severe shake.Some reported a long slow roll near Dipton while as far away as Queenstown hanging lights and objects were left swinging markedly.A second 5.0 magnitude quake was reported – 145km north-west of Snares Islands at 3.56pm at a depth of 33km.

Police Patrol: hunting, thefts, vandalism & miscalculating beers
Police Patrol: hunting, thefts, vandalism & miscalculating beers

25 March 2025, 12:10 AM

‘From Social Media Lure to the Roar – Take a Beacon!’Police and Southland Search and Rescue leaders are urging everyone from the growing groundswell of Instagrammers and other hikers taking risks beyond their ability to hunters during the Roar, to do their research, carry a distress beacon and be prepared.Heli rescuers have been busy throughout the Southern region these past few months sparking major concerns that people are venturing into stunning, but sometimes treacherous terrain in pursuit of that perfect post.They’re also warning hunters to be prepared and well-equipped with the full-scale overnight rescue of a hunter missing on Stewart Island overnight on Sunday (16 March).He eventually activated his personal locator beacon the following morning, but Southland Police’s Search and Rescue Sergeant Ian Martin says his ordeal could’ve been avoided if he was better prepared.He’s urging hunters and others heading into the outdoors to definitely take a PLB, but also a GPS, and a map and compass as good back up “for when other things don’t work”.“So many people get tripped up because they’re lost, caught in fog, and don’t know where they are,” Martin says. “That’s when things turn pear-shaped.”Aviation SAR spokesman Richie Hunter, of Southern Lakes Helicopters, also urges people to carry beacons, as well as a light source, preferably a headtorch or spotlight, but in an emergency a mobile phone torch or lighting a fire can be used to alert their attention.“Even if they don’t have a beacon and they’re overdue we can spot these with night vision goggles depending on the terrain and canopy cover,” he says.“It’s amazing how many people don’t take a light source or beacon, even for a two-hour walk.” PLBs are only $500 with a seven to 10-year battery life and can be rented, he says.“My message is take a beacon! They’re a really good means of requesting help,” Hunter says.“But they’ve got to be easily accessible and secured so that if you’ve become injured or immobile you can still access them as we’ve encountered some that weren’t.”Police and Specialist Alpine Cliff Rescue teams in Queenstown and Wanaka have expressed concerns about the extreme danger to young, many of them overseas, hikers venturing into highly technical and inherently dangerous territory to capture a spectacular photo.Multiple social media posts sharing these are then luring highly inexperienced and ill-equipped hikers into danger.A young French woman died tragically when she fell several metres trying to get from Brewster Hut near Wanaka to the spectacular Brewster Glacier over dangerous terrain where there’s no marked route on 20 February. The Coroner is investigating.Then on Saturday (15 March) another young overseas visitor lured by the stunning, but highly dangerous glacier fell 5m to 6m nearby in steep rocky terrain, adding another to the more than half a dozen or so helicopter rescues there alone this summer.Gertrude Saddle viewed from the carpark. Photo: SuppliedSergeant Martin says Fiordland’s beautiful Gertrude Saddle is one such spectacular lure with several hikers killed there after slipping in a particular spot and down a waterfall.“We’ve had quite a few rescues on the Gertrude Saddle. It’s very popular but for some it’s quite challenging,” he says. “It can be extremely dangerous at times with lots of steep, wet rock and avalanches, risking falls and hypothermia.”While Hunter says he can’t comment on any social media interest in Gertrude Saddle, it’s an extremely, dramatic environment and very popular with “a real risk of slipping”.People generally ignore signs, but rescuers rely on them to be prepared and know the terrain and their own ability. “When people choose to socialise with the hazard itself that creates risk,” he says.A joint Police, LandSAR, Mountain Safety Council, DOC interagency taskforce is researching why there’s been such a huge spike in interest in a number of now increasingly popular wilderness hikes, all tricky to get to but with spectacular views.Gertrude Saddle is one that’s popular, along with Brewster Glacier, Mueller and Sefton Bivvy huts at Mount Cook, Wanaka’s Roy’s Peak and Ben Lomond in Queenstown, now attracting several hundred a day.Mountain Safety Council Senior Partnerships and Insights Advisor Bevan Smith says they want to know where all these hikers are coming from and where they’re getting their information, and what sites they trust for that. Researchers have been interviewing throughout summer, surveying people on what equipment they’re carrying, with the results due by the end of June.Police Warn ‘Lock Up’ as Burglars Target Rural SouthlandBurglars have been targeting the outskirts of Invercargill and rural properties around Southland in the past few months helping themselves to thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment and property, including vehicles, prompting Police calls to ‘lock up’.Inspector Stu Harvey says there’s been a definite trend in recent weeks with organised burglars specifically targeting rural properties where homes, garages, sheds and vehicles are left unlocked.“This group, or these groups, are targeting rural properties around Southland and the outlying areas of Invercargill on the hunt for anything of value,” Harvey says.Police had noticed an increase in these rural burglaries specifically with a wide range of property targeted. “We’d like homeowners to be aware of this trend and to take some precautions in regard to security of their property.”Harvey says CCTV footage is always helpful, and he understands it’s particularly difficult to lock up everything on a farm or rural property, but the thieves are going for easier stuff to steal like vehicles.Police Eastern Southland Area Response Manager Senior Sergeant Gary Iddenten is also urging property occupants and vehicle owners to “stay vigilant and not to leave expensive or sentimental property in full view”.“About two-thirds of rural burglaries and thefts occur at properties with no or little security in place,” he says. “The biggest deterrent is prevention.”‘Target hardening’ can be as simple as locking gates or sheds, he says.Police are urging people to please tell them when they’ve been targeted.“This gives us a valuable picture of where crime is occurring, what’s being targeted, and gives us the opportunity to act,” Iddenten says.“This goes for illegal street racing too, and any suspicious activity.”If it’s happening now, call 111 immediately. If it’s after the fact make a Police report online at, or by calling 105.HOME PREVENTION TIPS:• Use of security cameras linked to an app on your smartphone so you can monitor your property remotely.• Frosting or covering garage windows to prevent someone looking into scope out valuable items such as boats, jet skis, kayaks, surfboards, bikes and fishing gear.• Ensure all doors and windows are locked when you’re not home, including when taking short trips.• If you’re leaving home for some time leave some curtains open and/or set a light timer to come on at night to avoid being targeted• Ensure holiday home doors and vehicles and boats are kept locked. Opportunist offenders routinely try door handles to check if they are locked and quickly move on if they’re secure.• Don’t leave bikes, kayaks, surfboards etc on the lawn or on a deck to be easily taken.VEHICLE CRIME PREVENTION:• Reporting matters quickly on 111 about incidents, like people interfering with vehicles, is really helpful for Police. It allows us to respond and potentially disrupt wider offending.• Secure vehicles, park in well-lit areas if on the street, or park down driveways where they’re less visible from the roadside.• Always remove valuables from vehicles and consider vehicle alarms.• If you see suspicious activity, such as people loitering around vehicles or looking into car windows, please contact Police immediately by phoning 111.For good prevention tips, including serial numbers see: British tourist attempts to match up her broken window wiper arms, after vandals targeted vehicles at the Kepler Track carpark. Photo: Southland AppPolice Still Hunting Kepler VandalsTe Anau Police are still investigating a spate of vandalism targeting vehicles parked at the Kepler Track carpark last week with dozens of wiper arms smashed on parked cars and campervans causing potentially thousands of dollars’ worth of damage.They still want to hear from anyone whose vehicle had suffered similar damage online via the Update Report form, using reference number 250319/7271.Drivers Miscalculate That ‘Couple of Beers’Police are concerned that drivers are miscalculating just how much tipple they’re allowed to safely get behind the wheel – a trend at checkpoints around the province.Harvey says because the safe and legal amount varies for individual people and circumstances, it’s best to drink zero alcohol before driving.“People always say they’ve only had ‘a couple of beers’,” he says. “To be sure you shouldn’t drink anything before driving. The risks are too high.”Southland Police were busy on the roads last week with 1100 breath tests conducted, resulting in 11 drink drivers processed. Most were apprehended at checkpoints with seven dealt with for driving with an excess breath alcohol of between 250mcg and 400mcg.“This shows that some people are underestimating the amount that they can drink before getting behind the wheel,” Harvey says. “People should be aware that they could be stopped by Police anytime in any place.”Police remind drivers to have a plan to get home after drinking and that the consequences of driving after drinking alcohol can be life changing.Signatures for Firefighters Petition surpasses 24,000More than 24,000 people have signed a national petition, inspired by the plight of former Kingston Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Pete Ottley, calling for Kiwi volunteer firefighters suffering mental or physical harm to qualify for ACC while off work recovering.Queenstown Fire Brigade Secretary Katherine Lamont wants to see NZ’s hugely unfair ACC laws changed and says she’s been really heartened by the great response to her petition which still has 37 days to run.“I didn’t think it would take off this quickly,” she says. “On the first day (17 March) we had 10,000 signatures.” Four days in she’d surpassed her 20,000 target with 21,816. “It shows the depth of feeling about this issue.”Ottley has been denied ACC support while recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder, after a horrendous bus and car crash near Kingston in December.He’s not entitled to ACC for his wages and other benefits because he’s classed as a non-employee.The petition closes on April 30.Link to petition- to givealittle page- Flown out of HollyfordA patient with minor injuries was flown out from Lake Alabaster Hut in the Hollyford Valley in Fiordland National Park by the Otago Southland Rescue Helicopter around 10am on Friday (21 March), a St John Ambulance spokesperson says.New Emergency Helipad for WaikaiaThe Waikaia community in Eastern Southland has welcomed the opening of a new helicopter pad there which Police says is great news and will support local emergency services in rural areas as and when it’s required.

Country Life: 'I was struggling to find something that wasn't merino'
Country Life: 'I was struggling to find something that wasn't merino'

24 March 2025, 2:10 AM

Her partner's dad has spent 40 years proudly breeding low micron crossbred sheep in the Hokonui Hills.After moving onto Skyhill Farm, she started wondering why they did not do anything special with the beautiful fleece.It was the Covid lockdown and Laura had been laid off and was pregnant. With time on her hands, she started brainstorming.The goal: add value to the Perendale lambswool that Dean Munro and his father Ray grew."Being pregnant, my vision was having blankets for our children. I wanted something a bit different and I was struggling to find something that wasn't merino."First she designed fisherman and herringbone ribbed blankets that are now two of her top-selling products."I love the whole field to fibre process and when people are purchasing a product, they can trace it back to our farm - to Skyhill."A Hokonui traffic jam - Dean Munro shifts a mob of Perendales Photo: SuppliedIn a lightbulb lockdown moment she also came up with a brand name: George Munro, named after their first child George, who is also is the first grandchild on the family farm."We wanted the name of our brand to be about the future, because we're passionate about sheep farming. It's so sad seeing so many farms disappear into trees."The next woolen design to go into production were the winter beanies."So many farming companies give out acrylic beanies which just seems so backwards," she said.There was also a limited edition lambswool jersey range for kids too."Kaye, my mother-in-law, is the most amazing knitter and was so proud that we were doing something with the wool, so she asked for some cones (of yarn) and she's been busy knitting."Four-year-old George Munro wears his namesake beanie Photo: SuppliedHaving everything made in New Zealand was always a must for the born and bred Invercargillite."I didn't want to send anything offshore. I wanted to support everyone from the grassroots up to getting the product designed and made."To Laura's frustration though, the making process clocks up quite a few kilometres.After being scoured in Timaru, the lambswool is carded in Wellington and turned into yarn, then it is back down to Dunedin to be knitted into products.Sewn on all of the products is a crowned crest label with an 'M' for Munro between two smiling Perendales."Because we're Ngāi Tahu as well, I wanted to incorporate both our European background, but also the Ngāi Tahu aspect too. So we've got the koru design in there with the crown."Laura's grandfather is from from Bluff and his family were French-Māori from Akaroa. While her partner Dean's whakapapa is from Aparima Riverton and Stewart Island.Laura received a start-up grant from Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, who work on behalf of eight Te Waipounamu iwi to determine the best ways to support whānau development."I went to one of their roadshows, and they really loved what we were doing and how we were going to create something from a natural product.They helped us get the initial yarn up and running. And then everything has been sort of self-funded after that."With the help of a mentor through the Southland Chamber of Commerce, Laura has working on growing the George Munro brand.With overseas sales on the rise, things are looking up. Woollen products have been shipped to the UK, Scotland, France, Sweden, Canada, and the USA."Actually lots of ex-Kiwis in Japan have been buying our products too, which is awesome."This is just the beginning as far as Laura's concerned. Her goal is for the George Munro brand to become a household name in New Zealand."I would love to be a one stop shop for lots of things, even carpets or furnishings where you could point up at the Hokonui Hills and say, well, this is where my carpets are from, rather than it just like being from anywhere."But she admits she is having to take small steps at the moment while she is wrestling with two busy boys.Reporter: Cosmo Kentish-Barnes for Country LifePublished by permission

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