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Rates relief, seniors swim for free - Gore DC

The Southland App

15 March 2022, 6:15 AM

Rates relief, seniors swim for free - Gore DC

Some Gore district ratepayers may get temporary rates relief while it's over 80s now get to swim in the council pool for free, after today's Gore District Council (GDC) meeting.

GDC ratepayers experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 can now defer their next two installments.

GDC chief executive Stephen Parry said the policy aimed to provide a six-month hiatus to tide ratepayers over, but applicants would also need to commit to a repayment plan.

“Extraordinary economic retraction, the likes of which have probably not been seen since the 1930s and 1940s, demands we respond with alacrity and empathy to ratepayers who have been severely disadvantaged by COVID,” he said.

GDC mayor Tracy Hicks said the community should not underestimate the impact of Omicron.

“I am regularly hearing of businesses experiencing significant financial hardship," he said.

“Omicron has seen more people working from home and kept people away from our CBD except for trips to the supermarket or pharmacist.”

Meanwhile the districts over 80s can now visit and attend aquafit classes at the Gore Aquatic Centre for free.

Hicks said the offer was another step in ensuring Gore was age-friendly and meeting the aims of its Ready for Living programme.

There are currently 20 swimmers over the age of 80 who have annual memberships to the centre.

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