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Otautau's Main St bridge closed as flood waters rise

The Southland App

03 October 2024, 8:03 PM

Otautau's Main St bridge closed as flood waters riseOtautau Bridge has been closed as a precaution as flood waters in the Otautau Stream rise. Photo: Andre Bekhuis

Otautau's Main Street bridge has been closed as a precaution this morning (4 Oct) after heavy overnight rain has seen the Otautau Stream approach flood levels.

The closing of the bridge has effectively split the population of the Western Southland town in half.

Environment Southland staff started closing the bridge at 8am this morning.

An ES spokesperson said the closing was a precaution to ensure the community’s safety.

This decision has been made on the best available predictions of the impacts the expected rainfall will have on the water level, which look to be similar to the levels reached in September last year, they said.

Further rain is predicted throughout the day.

Closing the bridge will mean community members won’t be able to travel over the bridge on Main Street in Otautau in either direction.

Other roads in the area may also be affected by surface flooding.

Please take extra care if travelling over the next few days and avoid driving through flooded roads.

Evacuations of Otautau residents is not expected however the community should be prepared to stay put should further flooding affect more roads around the district, they said.

In September 2023 the same bridge was closed due to flood waters from the Otautau Stream. In 1984 flood waters from the same stream and the nearby Aparima River caused the evacuation of the town.

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