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Gore candidates have their say on . . . Three Waters

The Southland App

30 September 2022, 9:26 PM

Gore candidates have their say on . . . Three Waters

Who should be Gore District's next mayor?

With locals due to vote in the local elections by noon, next Saturday, October 8, we've asked the two candidates for their opinions on the major issues facing the district. We've run the answers over the weeks leading up to the election.

This week, we asked: What's your view on Three Waters? And, generally, is Government taking too much power and decision-making away from the regions? How would you advocate for Gore on a national level?

Here are the candidates' answers:


Ben Bell

Age: 23

Occupation: Director/business owner (Software Development)

What's your view on Three Waters? And, generally, is Government taking too much power and decision-making away from the regions? How would you advocate for Gore on a national level?

Three waters is ultimately the result of decades of underinvestment by Councils and their political leaders. Historically, rates funds that should have been used for regular planned maintenance of pipes and plant have been diverted into nice-to-have projects. We need to right the ship by getting back to basics; understanding the true condition of our pipes and stop our best-guess approach.

This underinvestment is coming home to roost for all councils, and all at once. That is why the Government has the chequebook out. We will need financial support from Government to get this problem fixed, but taking away the communities assets isn’t the best solution. We need to make much better use of collaborating and sharing experts among the Councils rather than competing for staff; and partner up among councils to train, mentor and nurture talented water engineering teams so they love living in District’s like ours.

Building a representative rural Council voice is hugely important. We need a model of funding that works for us – similar to the school decile funding model, but population based. City Councils are far better positioned to fund the work needed themselves. Copying the roading funding model is fraught with difficulty.


Tracy Hicks

Age: 70

Occupation: Mayor

What's your view on Three Waters? And, generally, is Government taking too much power and decision-making away from the regions? How would you advocate for Gore on a national level?

While I hear some candidates and groups saying the opposite, both myself and the council have made a strong stand on water reform proposals put forward by central Government.

Let me be quite clear what that stand is.

We agree that change needs to happen. The system is broken and ignoring that undisputed fact is both foolish and irresponsible.

There must be significant new investment across the nation to bring water distribution and treatment systems up to 21st century standards.

Expecting a different result by continuing the same process is a definition of insanity.

The real question is where does that $300 million investment come from?

Both my and the councils view is that the creation of a nationwide regulator alongside a partnership between the taxpayer and the rate payer, that is central Government and Local government, will overcome the challenge.

Not over night but over a relatively short period of time.

The regulator has now been created and in place working to ensure real accountability around a safe and reliable service .

The next part is where all the anxiety has come into play. How it’s funded!

Our view is that the model currently used to ensure local roads are funded and maintained, where a roughly equal partnership between Government and councils exists is the desirable way to go.

While its not perfect, it has worked well for a long period of time and ensures that the asset is both maintained and operated by local teams who are very invested in seeing it function well.

I shared this approach with the government select committee considering the matter recently and that submission can be viewed on the Gore District Council website and my social media.

Will there be change come out of the select committee process?

I am ever Hopeful but I repeat change needs and must occur soon.

Simply saying stop the bus I want to get off is to me not acceptable.

I recognise and note the Treaty obligations local Government has to engage and work with Iwi which builds on the relationship GDC has with Hokonui Rununga.

For me that is a given and simply part of the unique and wonderful land we live in.

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