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Awarua wetlands off-limits till after Easter

The Southland App

11 April 2022, 5:28 AM

Awarua wetlands off-limits till after EasterAwarua Bay continues to smolder. Photo: Fire and Emergency

The Awarua wetland, scene of a huge fire, is expected to remain off-limits till after Easter according to Incident Controller Julian Tohiariki.

Tohiariki said fire crews will be continuing to work through to next week, finding and extinguishing hotspots from smouldering peat beds and ash pits and to prevent flare-ups .

A priority is to keep the fire from spreading to the 8300 hectares of wetlands to the north of the fire ground, and to another 3300 hectares of wetlands and conservation land on the Tiwai Peninsula, he said.

Four crews along with two helicopters having been working today (11 April).

While some rain is forecast overnight, the rest of the week is likely to bring largely dry and windy conditions that will mean continued risk of reignition and spread, he said.

The wetlands are home to many species of birds and fish, and the whole area is valued highly by Te Rūnaka o Awarua.

Today the Minister of Conservation, Hon. Kiritapu Allan, visited the fireground and received a briefing on the management of the fire.

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