Environment Southland’s monitoring observations have found toxic algae at the Whitestone River downstream of Manapouri-Hillside Road.
Algae naturally occur in waterways and can flourish during fine conditions and stable river flows. Most algae are harmless. However, some species can produce toxins and rapidly bloom to high levels.
What you need to know:
- Toxic algae are commonly identified in waterways as dark green/brown slime on rocks or dark brown/black mats at the water’s edge.
- Water users should be vigilant and avoid contact with the algae.
- Environment Southland can’t monitor everywhere. Similar algae growth may be occurring in other waterways in the area and other rivers in the region.
- Toxic algae can pose significant health risks to people and animals if swallowed or through contact with the skin.
- Keep dogs on the lead and children away from affected areas.
- See a doctor immediately if you experience health symptoms after contact with contaminated water.
- Take your animals to a vet immediately if they have consumed toxic algae or contaminated water.
- There are also toxic algae alerts in place for the Waihopai River upstream of Queen’s Drive and the Waiau River near the Excelsior Creek inflow.
We encourage river users to take the time to know what to look for and to keep informed via our website, www.es.govt.nz/toxic-algae
Check out the photos and descriptions on our website for further information: www.es.govt.nz/toxic-algae
For comments, please get in touch with Environment Southland communications team on 0800 76 88 45