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Staff member at Invercargill rest home tests positive for COVID-19.

The Southland App

14 February 2022, 5:29 AM

Staff member at Invercargill rest home tests positive for COVID-19.Southland Hospital. Photo: Southland App

A staff member at an Invercargill aged care facility has tested positive for COVID-19.

However no residents are symptomatic and all have returned negative Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT).

The Southern District Health Board (SDHB) has advised all residents and their families, and the staff member concerned and close contacts are now all isolating at home.

Case numbers in the Southern district have risen dramatically to 51 active cases (up from 16 yesterday).

Active COVID-19 Cases in the SDHB (as at 11.59pm, 13 Feb 2022)

The latest figures are yet to include a Dunedin student has now also tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating.

As of 1pm today (14 February) 306 close contacts were isolating throughout the Southern district. 239 of these are in the Queenstown-Lakes district.

The SDHB has warned that COVID-19 is now circulating within our community and urge the continued wearing of masks, following physical distancing and hand hygiene measures. They advise that bars, restaurants or parties are now high risk settings, and urge anyone who develops cold or flu like symptoms to isolate and get a COVID-19 test immediately.

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