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Southland Hall of Fame brings together bands of yesteryear

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Alina Suchanski

30 September 2022, 7:12 AM

Southland Hall of Fame brings together bands of yesteryearTeen Beat Five in Queens Park, Invercargill (c.1964). Photo taken for the cover of the LP made around the same time. From left: George Garden, Russel Lee, Mervyn Cook, Garry McNatty, with base player John Heads (right) replacing Lindsay Yeo. Photo: Supplied

On October 8 at the Ascot Park Hotel, the Southland Musicians Club is putting on a special show to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Southland Music Hall of Fame, featuring four high-profile bands from yesteryear.

Vision, featuring Bryan Gerrard and Tony Ross on lead vocals; Route 66, featuring Taff Hewton; Teen Beat Five, featuring Garry McNatty; and The Answer, featuring Southland and New Zealand music legend Dave Kennedy, will join with special guests for a celebratory night of nostalgia and classic music.

Vision in the 1970s. (L-R) "Bricky" McLew, Bob Daley, Dave Gillies, Bryan Gerrard and John Kennedy. Photo: Supplied

Fans of a certain age will remember Route 66 rocking out at the former Granny’s Bar at the Northern, and of course the mighty Vision’s record-breaking 16-year residency at the Whitehouse Pub.

Others will recall dances at the RSA and YMCA Cabarets where The Answer and Teen Beat Five provided the soundtrack for many formative and exciting Saturday nights. Many a New Year’s Eve parties in the 60s at the Foxes camping ground in Alexandra were made memorable by Teen Beat Five playing popular music of the day. 

The musicians who started entertaining the public in the 1960s and 70s as teenagers, are now in their 60s and 70s. Although their bands have dispersed throughout New Zealand and overseas, the band members will be coming from near and far to participate in this special occasion. 

George Garden of Te Anau was a rhythm guitarist for Teen Beat Five. At just 14, he was the youngest of the five foundation members of the band. Now aged 74 he still enjoys entertaining family and friends with his guitar playing. Although the composition of the band has changed over the years and their paths have diverged, one thing that remains is their love of music and the bond that carried over for sixty years.

Teen Beat Five original members in 1963, from left: George Garden, Russel Lee, Garry McNatty, Mervyn Cook and Lindsay Yeo (sitting on the floor). Photo: Supplied

Of the seven Teen Beat Five members who will be performing at the Ascot Park Hotel on Saturday, only Garden is still in Southland.

Lead singer, Garry McNatty lives in Hawea, keyboard players, Russel Lee and Mervyn Cook both moved to Surfers Paradise, Australia, vocalist Lindsay Yeo resides in Nelson, lead guitarist Dennis Lichfield, in Alexandra, and base guitarist John Heads, made his home in the USA, just 20 miles from the famous Woodstock.

With the musicians now well into their retirement age, this show is likely to be the last opportunity to see these bands perform together. 

The show convener and Southland Musicians Club president Trevor Daley MNZM, who was a member of Vision alongside his brother Bob, believes the show is unique in New Zealand. 

“As far as we’re aware it’s the only provincial Music Hall of Fame in the country. All groups played at the Hall of Fame before and most of their members have already been inducted [to the Southland Music Hall of Fame]. This year we’re not inducting anyone, because it’s a special 20th anniversary event,” he says.

Daley is looking forward to a great show, with popular and loved music from the 60s to the 80s.

“Everybody will know the songs. Even if they can’t sing the verses, they should be able to sing the chorus. It’s good dancing, foot tapping music, so bring your dancing shoes,” he recommends.

The 20th Southland Music Hall of Fame show will be held at the Ascot Park Hotel, Invercargill, Saturday, 8 October, doors open at 7pm.

Tickets $45, available from Ascot Park Hotel and Little Fire Musicworks.

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