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Police broaden Waikaia arson investigation

The Southland App

01 March 2024, 6:34 PM

Police broaden Waikaia arson investigation

Police investigating the arson of a Waikaia property on 21st February have now identified one of the vehicles previously sought, along with further offending potentially linked.

Gore Police Detective Sergeant Brian McKinney said prior to the arson of the property, it was believed items such as a weed eater and chainsaws were stolen from the address.

However Police have now been made aware of similar dishonesty offending in the Waikaia township, where similar items were stolen, he said.

Police are now investigating the potential link between these previous dishonesty offences and the arson.

The driver of a ute, that Police had previously sought to speak to, has now been ruled out of any involvement in arson or dishonesty offending, McKinney said. 

Police however still wish to identify and speak to the driver of the red vehicle seen in the Waikaia- Riversdale Road area around the time of the arson.

Anyone who has been the victim to burglaries of similar equipment, or who may have information about suspicious activity that has not yet been reported should contact the Police, McKinney said.

Police also seek any dashcam footage from the Waikaia-Riversdale Road area between 12am and 2 am on Wednesday 21 February.

If you have information in relation to the red vehicle, Dashcam footage of the Riversdale-Waikaia Road area, were a victim to dishonesty offending or have any information that may assist in our investigation please contact Police.

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