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PM announces NZ lockdown

The Southland App

Paul Taylor

17 August 2021, 6:23 AM

PM announces NZ lockdown

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a level four lockdown across New Zealand after a suspected case of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in the community.

The country will move to Alert Level 4 from midnight tonight for three days. Auckland and Coromandel will go into level 4 lockdown for seven days.

Ardern said: "Going hard and early has worked for us before."

The positive case is a 58-year-old man, who lives in Devonport, on Auckland's North Shore.

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He has been symptomatic since Saturday, 14 August, and went to his doctor yesterday. He is not vaccinated, after having an issue with the website while trying to book an appointment, and is considered to have become infectious on August 12.

His wife has returned a negative test. She is vaccinated.

Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield, in a 6pm press conference with from Wellington, said there is no obvious link between this case and the border.

Ardern said they can't confirm it is the Delta variant until genome sequencing is completed tomorrow afternoon.

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However, it is expected to be and the decision has been made on that basis

The couple travelled to Coromandel on Friday by private vehicle and stayed for the weekend.

There are 23 locations of interest, 10 in Auckland and 13 in Coromandel.

Wastewater testing for North Shore on August 11 was negative

"This case was identified in Auckland but it is a national issue," Bloomfield said.

People are being given 48 hours to travel home, but are asked to travel as soon as possible. Vaccinations have been suspended for 48 hours.

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Ardern said: "Delta is serious and we have every reason to believe this is likely to be the Delta variant.

"We can see from around the world that it is a game-changer, so that means that we need to respond to that.

"That is why we are going hard and early.

"But all the things we have done before have worked and they will work again if people please, follow the rules, look after one another, get a test if you're sick, wash your hands, stay home."

All New Zealanders are being reminded of the basic public health measures of mask wearing and hand washing.

Following the initial announcement of a positive community case this afternoon, Aucklanders rushed to the supermarkets to stock up on supplies.

But they are being asked not to panic-buy.

There are no new cases to report from managed isolation at the border.

One previously reported case has recovered since yesterday’s update. The number of active cases in New Zealand is 43.

Since 1 January 2021, there have been 121 historical cases, out of a total of 752 cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases detected at the border is three.

The total number of confirmed cases is 2,570.

  • Wash hands thoroughly and frequently
  • Wear a mask on public transport
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow
  • Scan in with the Covid-19 tracer app or keep track of where you have been
  • Book a vaccination if you can
  • If you have symptoms or have been at an identified location, get tested
  • Clean surfaces thoroughly and frequently
  • Practice physical distancing
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