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New Fiordland Marine Guardian appointed

The Southland App

10 February 2023, 2:07 AM

New Fiordland Marine Guardian appointedDr Simon Childerhouse has been appointed a new Fiordland Marine Guardian. Photo: Supplied

Dr Simon Childerhouse has been appointed a new Fiordland Marine Guardian (FMG), replacing outgoing guardian Dr Kerri-Anne Edge Hill.

Childerhouse, a Nelson based marine scientist and Senior Science Advisor at the Environmental Law Initiative, has had more than 25 years’ experience undertaking applied science.

He has worked for Fisheries New Zealand, Department of Conservation, the Australian Antarctic Division, independent research organisations and notched up stints in both Antarctica and the New Zealand sub-Antarctic region.

FMG chairperson Dr Rebecca McLeod was excited to welcome Simon to the group.

"He brings such diverse experience in science and policy, and we have no doubt he will make a very valuable contribution,” she said.

McLeod also acknowledged outgoing Guardian Dr Kerri-Anne Edge Hill, who she said was instrumental in rebuilding the organisation's connection with the community through her focus on communication.

Childerhouse joins Guardians Rebecca McLeod, Stewart Bull, John Cushen, Gaven Tayles and Mark Peychers, along with reappointed Guardians Ali Ballantine Timms and Pete Young.

The FMG are an advisory group to central and local government.

Their work includes working alongside mana whenua, commercial and recreational fishers, tourism operators, recreational users, marine scientists, conservationists and the local community to ensure agencies work together to mitigate threats like marine heatwaves, increasing visitor pressure, biosecurity and overfishing in the Fiordland Marine Area.

Guardians are appointed by the Minister for the Environment.

To learn more CLICK HERE.

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