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Free transport to Invercargill vaccine clinics on Super Saturday

The Southland App

12 October 2021, 1:31 AM

Free transport to Invercargill vaccine clinics on Super Saturday

Two Invercargill companies are joining forces this week to help people get vaccinated.

ILT and McCallums Group will offer free transport to and from the Civic Theatre vaccination centre for Super Saturday, 16 October 2021.

The Need a Lift initiative is the brainchild of ILT Board Member Paddy O’Brien and aims to remove one of the barriers for those that choose to get vaccinated.

ILT courtesy coaches will transfer people around the city.

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Super Saturday is a nationwide push to get New Zealanders vaccinated against Covid-19

"When Super Saturday was announced it was the perfect opportunity for us to help at a local level to protect our community," O’Brien said.

"We're delighted to partner with another community minded organisation like McCallums and have been blown away by the level of support so far.

"We’ve got some amazing local heroes on board like Leicester Rutledge, Suzanne Prentice and Lex Chisholm. Not only will people get a lift but they’ll also get some entertaining conversation."

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About a quarter of Southlanders are yet to have their first dose of the Pfizer / Biotech vaccine, although rates in Invercargill are higher than in rural areas.

Paul Harrington, Group Sales & Marketing Manager for McCallums Group has issued a challenge for the city.

"We're proud to be playing our part in keeping the community safe and would love to see Invercargill top the country’s vaccination charts after this weekend," he said.

The transport service will be offered between 9am to 4pm on Saturday, 16 October 2021.

Bookings are essential and must be made by 3pm on Friday 15 October.

Phone 03 211 3732 and leave a message.

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