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Couple Raise Awareness on plight of Maui & Hector dolphins

The Southland App

09 February 2025, 8:18 PM

Couple Raise Awareness on plight of Maui & Hector dolphinsHectors Dolphins are only found in New Zealand and are nationally threatened. Photo: Department of Conservation

Christine Rose and her husband Stephen, founders of Dolphin Defenders, have been traveling the east coast of the South Island to highlight the critical situation of Maui and Hector’s dolphins.

Only found in New Zealand waters, the dolphins face significant threats from set nets and trawling near the coast.

Both are classified as nationally vulnerable, with an estimated 15,000 Hectors and just 40-64 Maui dolphins remaining.

“These precious taonga are under threat due to the fishing industry’s practices,” said Rose.

“Our government seems reluctant to take necessary steps to protect these delightful mammals, which are unique and need protection before it’s too late.”

Rose emphasized that several dolphins are caught annually as by-catch, pushing their numbers towards endangered status.

During their travels, the couple has been setting up on beaches where these dolphins are often seen, inviting the public to share their concerns and join the movement to protect them.

On Monday, February 10, there is an open invitation to a public awareness event at Oreti Beach from 11:30 am.

The event will include inflatable dolphins and other symbolic actions, including people putting their heads in the sand to represent the current inaction by the fishing industry and government.

For more information, contact Jenny Campbell, Southland Forest & Bird Secretary, at 027 351 0180.

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