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Colourful new exhibitions open at Eastern Southland Gallery

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Olivia Brandt

04 April 2022, 4:34 AM

Colourful new exhibitions open at Eastern Southland Gallery A piece by artist and illustrator Graham Percy. Photo: Supplied.

Eastern Southland Gallery opened two new exhibitions over the weekend, focused on the colours black and hold. 

Both exhibitions are curated from the gallery’s permanent collection and give the opportunity to show the full extent of its holdings, says Gallery Programmes Officer Marcella Geddes. 

‘Black’ includes works in which colour is largely absent and black predominates. 

The exhibition showcases recent acquisitions, as well as a selection of works that have not been exhibited for some time. 

The exhibition features paintings, etchings, woodcuts, photographs, and sculpture by a wide variety of artists.

'Black' features a work by renowned New Zealand artist Ralph Hotere, as well as others by international artists including Neil Frazer, Cliff Whiting, Adrienne Martyn, Michael Smither and Grahame Sydney. 

It also includes the most recent gift to Eastern Southland’s collection, a caricature of New Zealand composer Frederick Page by artist Juliet Peter.

As the name suggests, ‘Gold’ is the principal theme in the second exhibition. 

A piece by New Zealand artist Trevor Moffitt. Photo: Supplied.

It includes works that are either framed in gold or that include gold in their subject or surface treatment. 

Included are works by Evelyn Page, Trevor Moffitt, Nigel Brown, Petrus van der Velden, Corinna Modigliani, Chrystabel Aitken and Dame Janet Paul.

Admission to these exhibitions is free. 

Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday 10am – 4.30pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 1-4pm. 

Closed Good Friday.

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