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CLASS ACTION: Wallacetown School

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Celebrating Southland Schools

26 June 2024, 9:40 PM

CLASS ACTION: Wallacetown School


Towards the end of term 1, it was a busy final few weeks.

We had 9 students who represented the Central Zone at the Southland Athletics carnival!!

Well done to ; Ryder, Eliza, Lilly, Max, Bethany, Pyper, Zaria, Poppy and Ritchie.

It was great to see them in action and we are very proud of their efforts and success on the day.




 With Easter happening at the end of the term, it made for a couple of short weeks, but we still managed to continue on our wonderful learning, with great efforts from Room 1 learners Clare and Trixie 


We had our Easter Craft Day.

It again was a fantastic day!

This year Ko Taku Reo joined us for our craft activities and Easter Egg Hunt.

We had some fun also with adding something ‘Eastery’ to our uniforms.

On behalf of the Fundraising Group I’d like to thank everyone who purchased a ticket, we raised $2,516 in total.

We’ve had added a bit of colour around school!

A huge thanks to Donna from Murphy’s Dairy our yellow and pink PRIMO hats and visors, they work well in keeping the sun off our heads!      


We also added purple to our uniform for Purple Day – Epilepsy NZ  



At the start of term 2 we are continuing working with Kate Horton from Coaching Colab for our Professional Development to help strengthen our Local Curriculum.

We shared the student voice feedback she had gathered when she asked each class these questions:

What makes Wallacetown School kids awesome?

·       What makes your school special?

·       How is Wallacetown School getting you ready for your future?

Using the feedback from our students we developed a Learner Profile with the skills we want our students to have when they leave Wallacetown School.




  Kobe, Couper, Zach, Max, and Billy happy to be back at school after the holiday break!    

Rugby Southland paid us a visit and worked with the Children on Skills! Navy, Lottoe & Maci enjoyed their session.


In Week 4, we welcomed Jake to room 4


Cross Country in Browns - Thank you to everyone who offered and took transport for Cross Country on Friday 24 May.

It was great to see everyone out their doing their best, mud and all!

Lots of smiles and as always supportive of each other.



Central Cross Country - Well done to the following students who represented Wallacetown School at Central Cross Country in Dipton on the 30th of May – Ryder, Couper, William, Max, Denzel, Ritchie, Jake, Flynn, Zaria, Paigan, Ella and Nixie.

We are very proud of their efforts!

In week 6 We welcomed 2 new students.


Karolina in Room 3 


Easton in room 1

That’s it from us at Wallacetown school.

If you are looking for a school for your children, we are only happy to show you around!!

Wallacetown School proudly sponsored by Pypers Produce



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