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CLASS ACTION: Wallacetown School

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Celebrating Southland Schools

20 March 2022, 9:59 PM

CLASS ACTION: Wallacetown School


Term 1 2022

For the Start of the new year, we welcomed a number of new faces to Wallacetown School: Cayden, Ava and Jack joined Room 2, Denzel, Ella and Georgia who have joined Room 3 and Carter and Grace who have joined Room 4.









We hope they enjoy their time at Wallacetown School and all the awesome opportunities and experiences that come with being part of a small school.!!

Constable Marty came out to train the years 5 & 6 up for Road Patrol!

He was very impressed and left saying that “we’re in very capable hands with this lot”

We ask that the families and community do pay attention to the signs, we want to keep the children safe.

On the 14th of   February we also welcomed Carolyn Milne back to the school to work with Trisha at Before and After School Care.

Starting the year under the Traffic Light System, was unusual, but we were well organised, and the children and families soon were accustomed to the new ‘status quo’ here at Wallacetown School during Red.

In Week 3 we welcomed Kage to Room 3


By week 3 there was a nice ‘hum’ around the school, the school year started off smoothly and were back into the rhythm of work and learning.

The classes have been working on their Class Treaty, making use of the school pool each day, and have restarted ‘Kiwi Can’ session for the year with our leaders Bella and Arnika.

On Friday afternoons we have been meeting to share our assembly certificates – this has also been live via the school Facebook page.

Its humbling to hear how excited other students are for the students who have received awards and the praise they share once the camera stops rolling – a true testament to how awesome they are.

We also had cricket sessions with Keegan from the Southland Cricket association, it was great to see the children listening, and learning, and having fun!

Room 2 have been busy creating masterpieces - Self-portraits!

"We used black vivid to draw ourselves and remembered to add in our noses, ears and eyebrows!

We scribbled white pastel on white paper and then dyed the paper.

It was cool to see all our different patterns show up like magic.

We are very proud of our work - we are artists!"

He Waka Eke Noa – we are all in this together

Room 4 have been busy creating their massive (about 8metres long) masterpiece that is displayed on the back wall of their class for the year.

Each oar represents who they are, showing their favourite colour, food, sport, animal and 3 other things about themselves.

They are so proud of the meaning behind it, being about how they look out for one another and work together!


On the 8th of March Wallacetown was without power all morning!!!

Ryder and Boaz from Room 2 wrote some great stories about the cheeky possum that caused the excitement at school this morning!!


School Uniform -We have now moved our uniform suppliers from The Warehouse to Uniform NZ.

From now on uniform items can be ordered via the online shop at , or they will have stock in the showroom by the 21st March (based at 142 Otepuni Avenue) that you can go in and try on/order/purchase.

Covid - Covid is present within our school and the wider school community.

A timely reminder that now Omicron is here to look after each other, and your families.

Thank you for continuing to keep in touch re: your own situations when your child/ren are away, it is much appreciated.

As always if anyone in your household is feeling unwell the best advice is stay home, seek medical advice, and get a test.

Wallacetown School kindly supported by Wallacetown Motors



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