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Class Action: Tokanui School

The Southland App

Celebrating Southland Schools

27 February 2022, 9:37 PM

Class Action: Tokanui School

Tokanui School

Over the past three weeks we have had a school wide focus on ‘Weaving’.

Everyone in our school has created a piece of weaving to showcase in the Southern Districts Arts Trust Art Exhibition in Waikawa.

Libby Buckingham

  Harper Wright

Each class has used different materials to create with.

Some children made lots of different weaving masterpieces.

 Hunter Watson

 Dusty Coley

Everyone really enjoyed doing these and thank you so much to Mrs Short for coming and showing us.

 Shynae Hansen

Ella Beswick

 Jack Robinson

Cammy Wright

Hunter McMullen

We have just finished getting our Te Whare Tapa Wha built.

This is our outdoor classroom space.

We are in the process of now designing what we want it to look like using the students' ideas.

From there we are coming up with an action plan of what we need to do and where we are going next.

It is all very exciting!

Tokanui School proudly supported by Tokanui Tavern

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