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CLASS ACTION: Mossburn School

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Celebrating Southland Schools

30 June 2024, 9:28 PM

CLASS ACTION: Mossburn School

Kia ora Southland App readers,

Welcome to Term 2 at Mossburn Primary School, the best little rural school in New Zealand!

Since our last Class Action update in Term 1, we've been super busy exploring Planet Earth and Beyond.

Our tamariki have delved into volcanoes, weather, earthquakes, the formation of our planet, and so much more. 

Our refreshed PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) programme is going wonderfully.

The tamariki are completing CHARM cards super fast, with 10 students already earning the 10 CHARM Card reward.

Mossburn tamariki shone brightly at Southland Athletics and Northern Swimming!

We achieved 9 top three placings in swimming and 10 top three placings at Southland Athletics.

We couldn't be prouder (and perhaps just a tad competitive, lol).

Our Year 5 & 6 tamariki had a fabulous three-day camp at Tautuku in April, tackling high ropes courses, kayaking, orienteering, and repeatedly soaring down the flying fox.

We were blessed with fantastic weather, wonderful parent helpers, and a great group of tamariki.

In Week 10, our tamariki had the incredible opportunity to spend the day with Alan from St John, learning life-saving First Aid skills.

We concluded Term 1 with the inaugural Mossburn School Swimming Sports.

This well-supported event showcased the tamariki's new skills from their Johnston Waters swimming lessons.

The noodle biking race was a particular favourite.

Term 2 kicked off with a literal bang when Dr Sue Galloway (an ex-Mossburn School student and 1972 Dux) spent a day and a half with our tamariki conducting science experiments and teaching about forces and motion, diffusion, and chemical reactions.

The tamariki loved the hands-on experience and eagerly absorbed the new knowledge and skills.

Many thanks to REAP for subsidising this programme.

In Week 1, our community and whānau members showed their amazing generosity by helping to erect a new fence along the back of the school, replacing the hedge that had caused plumbing issues.

Week 3 saw us don pink for Pink Shirt Day and celebrate our incredible support staff on Support Staff Day.

We are blessed to have such dedicated and skilled support staff—Colleen, Midge, Neyla, Julie, and Jan—thank you!

Finally, in Week 4, we had a fantastic turnout for the Mid Dome Cross Country at Garston.

It was lovely to see our friends from Lumsden and Garston, and inspiring to watch the tamariki giving their all on such a challenging course.

Congratulations to 11 of our tamariki for earning top three placings!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Mossburn School community, whānau, BOT, and PLC for their unwavering support and generosity.

Your contributions make Mossburn School a wonderful school.

Every week in our newsletter, we have a "Mossburn School Says Thank You" slot, and every week there are names to acknowledge.

Until next term,

Ngā mihi nui,

Tracey Doak


Mossburn School proudly supported by

Fiordland Escapes

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