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CLASS ACTION : Hauroko Valley School

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Celebrating Southland Schools

25 May 2023, 9:10 PM

CLASS ACTION : Hauroko Valley School

Kia ora Southland App readers,

Welcome to Term 2 at Hauroko Valley Primary School.  

Our Healthy Active Learning continues with support from Active Southland.

We have been rethinking our Cross Country training and incorporating some obstacle courses for students.

This increases enjoyment and variety for runners.

Several of our children excel and love long distance running and have been working to increase their mileage and speed, aiming for the top 6 to qualify at Interschool for Western and then for Southland Cross Country.

Kōwhai class (5&6 year olds)) has been learning about the Living World through Autumn.

It is amazing hearing about their deciduous tree knowledge.

They have also been learning NZSL and teaching all of our classes a range of signs.

Kōwhai love Fundamental Movement with REAP as they grow their confidence and collaboration through a range of movement opportunities.

Meanwhile, Mataī (Years 2-4) has been continuing in their Structured Literacy journey with spelling as a focus.

Weekly sessions are upskilling each individual learner in phonological knowledge, alphabet principle, or spelling concepts.

Mataī Year 2-3’s enjoy their Discovery Time afternoons with play based stations, while the Year 4’s join in HVP Clubs. 

Team Tōtara (Years 5&6) has also started HVP Clubs, where they spend an afternoon each week, involved in Visual Arts, Health & Education, Digital Technology through squash, golf, card making, jewellery making, tinkercad, gardening, and young farmers.

This is a highlight for our learners as they try something new, or something they are interested in or passionate about.

Thanks to our parent helpers supporting us to provide these amazing opportunities for our students.

Our Senior Class have been into Deep Cove as part of our Education Outside The Classroom Programme.

Thank you to Malcolm Walker, who supported our staff and parents with Deep Cove information in preparation for our excursion.

His knowledge of the place and effervescent enthusiasm for the great outdoors and children is second to none!

Our group found DC to be an incredibly special place where they learnt about the history of the area including Pātea/Doubtful Sound/West Arm/Fiordland National Park, to the flora and fauna that is unique to this remote place, to the vast views at every angle with multiple waterfalls cascading down mountainous terrain.

Our Nature Guide Nikki was an expert on a variety of subjects, able to answer every question (these came thick and fast).

Thanks to RealNZ taking us out through Doubtful Sound to the Tasman Sea to see numerous kekeno/fur seals.

We tramped up Hanging Valley, over to Helena Falls, onto the Tail Race and took in Brasell Point Nature Walk to identify a variety of wildlife including weka, tui, glow worms, abundance of fish, and always on the search for the elusive moose or kōkako!

There was kotahitanga/bonding, whanaungatanga/relationships building and manaakitanga/care shown by one to another at every opportunity - such an amazing group of learners!

Thank you to Sally, going the extra mile for our tāmariki as Camp Leader, and to Andy, Gaynor, Richard, Megan, Jason and Jaimee for being our superb Camp Mum and Dad support during this memorable time.  

In a week’s time our Year 8’s head to Dunedin for a city experience as they attend NYLD/National Young Leaders Day.

Every year our Year 8’s get away for a couple of days to walk Baldwin Street, take in the view from Signal Hill, visit Moana Pool for a swim and hydroslide, have takeaways for dinner and a Subway lunch.

They also spend time at Toitū/Otago Museum and a visit to the Dunedin Chinese Gardens as part of our continuing learning of Aotearoa Histories.

Thanks to Alice & Suz for supporting this EOTC adventure. 


Until our next adventures.

Mā te wā.

On behalf of HVP School, Julia Waikato

Kings Rural Transport proudly supports Hauroko Valley Primary School

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