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CLASS ACTION: Fernworth School

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Celebrating Southland Schools

09 July 2023, 9:43 PM

CLASS ACTION: Fernworth School

Term 2 at Wharerā has been full of learning and fun. 

Staff and students have been working regularly with Iain from Learning Architects, to improve our technology, computational and coding skills.

Our students always look forward to his visits. 

One of our school values is manaakitanga, we value showing care towards others, and always support Pink Day.

We encourage our students to be kind, include others, and be an upstander when people aren't being treated fairly.

Pink Day was very bright, children enjoyed getting their faces and nails painted, and we met in the hall for a tshirt challenge.

This year's Cross Country saw our zone Ōtārewa compete altogether at Elizabeth Park, along with our school and 3 other schools, children pushed themselves to complete a challenging course.

Tahlia, Layla, Walter, Shae, and Brian all went on to represent our zone at the Southland Cross Country at Waimumu.

Wharerā is super lucky to have an amazing bunch of volunteers that come in and support our tamariki.

From managing the Breakfast Club, helping in the canteen and school garden, reading with our children, taking maths groups, helping with school lunches, and taking a walking school bus, the ways people help our school are varied and extremely appreciated.

We had to acknowledge their hard work during Volunteer Week with some chocolate. 

Everyone loves a disco.

With a star theme children dressed up to start celebrating Mātariki.

They danced, played games and prizes were given out for best dressed and best dance moves.

To end the term and celebrate Mātariki (which falls in the holidays) children decorated biscuits to share with whānau.

As a reward for working hard on their whakapono goals juniors had a wonderful time at Jump n Fun and the Seniors went to the pool and hydro slides.

Wonderful end to term 2, and looking forward to Term 3.

Fernworth School proudly supported by Tramway Motors

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