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Calling Southlanders: have your say on speed limits

The Southland App

07 December 2022, 6:41 PM

Calling Southlanders: have your say on speed limits

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency wants to know what you think about speed changes proposed in your highway network, part of a draft Interim Speed Highway Management Plan for the whole country.


Consultation is closing next Monday, 12 December, at 5 pm on the draft plan.


The plan covers all regions and proposes new speed limits on parts of the state highway network, particularly around schools and some marae. 


Vanessa Browne, National Manager Programme and Standards, for Waka Kotahi, says speeds across Aotearoa New Zealand need to be managed in conjunction with other elements such as infrastructure, safe vehicles and safe drivers. 


"In this way we can protect people, by avoiding serious injury and being killed on our roads. The plan isn’t proposing to stop crashes from happening, this simply will not happen. However, we can focus on reducing the harm that happens when people make mistakes."


Waka Kotahi is seeking submissions for consideration alongside its analysis and conversations with partners, interested groups and organisations as factors to finalise the Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan.  


Murihiku/Southland key areas

For Southland, speed reductions or variable speed limits are proposed for many schools sited on SH1, 93, 6, 94 and 96. These range across the region from Te Anau to St John’s Girls School, Invercargill.


Proposed new speed limits are proposed for Edendale, Old SH1, from SH1 Pioneer Highway intersection to Crescent Road (100km/h to 80); Nightcaps urban area, extension to allow the St Patrick’s School (100km/h to 50) zone and Five Rivers intersection speed zone on SH6, approaching the intersection with SH97. The speed sign will display 60 at SH6 traffic when traffic is turning right off SH6 and approaching from the side on SH97.



People can access information on the Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan and submit feedback by visiting the Waka Kotahi website:  

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