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3D map shows Stewart Island in new light

The Southland App

Olivia Brandt

26 May 2022, 2:35 AM

3D map shows Stewart Island in new lightDigital surface model over Oban, Rakiura Stewart Island. Created by Emory Beck at LINZ 2022. Photo: Supplied.

A new LiDAR elevation map of Oban, Stewart Island is giving detailed insights into the area.  

LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging and is a remote sensing mapping method that uses light pulses to generate precise, three-dimensional information about the shape of the Earth’s surface. 

The map has been generated as part of the Provincial Growth Fund-LiDAR elevation data capture project, which aims to 3D map 80 per cent of New Zealand by 2024. 

Environment Southland (ES) acting general manager, strategy, planning and engagement, Lucy Hicks says LiDAR data will greatly improve projects such as hazard planning, policy, compliance, community advice, farm mapping and management plans.

It will also aid in understanding landscape change and hydrological processes such as stream flow estimation and catchment size.

“The benefits of LiDAR over other techniques includes higher resolutions, centimetre accuracies, large coverage areas, high point density and ground detection in densely vegetated terrain.”

Southland District Council business solutions manager Jock Hale says Stewart Island Rakiura LiDAR represents an exciting new digital reality as the most complete and accurate height and feature data of the island to date.

“The technical standards set by Land Information New Zealand provide country-wide capture and output consistency, enabling opportunities to share and harness more sophisticated spatial analytics on a range of applications that affect ratepayers, like development potential and asset management.”

“In turn, this partnership between Southland District Council, Environment Southland and our national stakeholders supports better integrated evidence-based decision making.”

Southland is one of 10 regions partnering with Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand to obtain a baseline elevation data set. 

Co-funding from the Provincial Growth Fund is supporting the regional expansion of Toitū Te Whenua’s 3D mapping programme to provide a significant increase in national coverage.

Current LiDAR data coverage across the country sits at 25 percent and is set to increase to 80 percent by 2024, when the project is due to be completed. 

The Oban LiDAR data is now available on the LINZ Data Service at 

Further data for the Murihiku Southland region will be shared as it becomes available.

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