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WasteNet Southland

WasteNet Southland

Love Southland - put waste in its place!

Check our website to find out about curbside collection days, using transfer stations and much more...

Recycle & Rubbish

Almost every activity using materials and energy generates waste from mining to manufacturing.  Waste is what people throw away because they no longer needed or wanted. We get rid of it by putting it in the rubbish bin. But do we need to make so much waste? Find out more...

Home & Garden

The home is a great place to start changing our habits and practice - reduce, reuse, refill, repair and recycle. Find out how easy it is to recycle, minimise waste from every room, maintain a low-waste garden, how to build a compost bin or worm farm and learn the secrets of the savyy shopper. Find out more...


Waste is a symptom of an inefficient process. Waste is materials that are paid for, and subsequently rendered useless. Before materials are rendered useless they are stored in valuable office/floor space. After materials are rendered useless, money is paid to dispose of them. Resource efficiency is an important business process that could save your organisation a lot of money. Find out more...


Southland (and the rest of the world) faces the challenge of using resources whilst ensuring that our environment and our health are not harmed, both now and into the future. WasteNet has a vision of "a sustainable Southland". A key factor in achieving this vision is education. Find out about our available resources...


Farmers have always reused, repaired and given new life to old materials but there is plenty more that can be done to improve waste management on the farm. Find out more...

Resources to download

WasteNet Southland produces a wide range of tools freely available for users to download. Find out more...

The Southland App
The Southland App
Advocate Communications

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