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COOTE, Pania

COOTE, Pania

Pania Coote


Descendant of: Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Porou

Why I am standing?

People should not experience poor health care, they should not experience delay after delay, they should be referred to diagnostic services in a timely manner and have access to quality care services, responsive to their needs, regardless of their postcode. There should not be disparities between population groups…….there should be fairness in the health system.

A lot of good work has happened over the years but we still have a long way to go to achieve equitable health outcomes for everyone.  

What I would like to change?

• Strategic alignment of services, whole health system approach with an equity focus. Improve access to specialist services, regardless of where you live.

• Develop faster treatment services, reduce delays.

• Build business intelligence systems and shared care platforms across community, primary and secondary.

• Create an environment of inclusion that capitalises on the diverse backgrounds, knowledge, skills, creativity and motivation that will enhance a changing health care environment.

What I bring?

Born and raised Southlander. Currently the Director of AwhiMai Consultancy, working in the area of Māori health and strategy. Formerly the Executive Director Māori Health for the Southern District Health Board, I have over 20 years’ work experience at all levels of the health system. With a Masters in Social Work and Community Development from the Otago University, I am well-versed in best practices and addressing health inequities. I respect the diversity in people and their culture. 

Nga mihi

Pania Coote

The Southland App
The Southland App
Advocate Communications

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